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One week later..

I still haven't given Stokeley the time of day. I don't think I will anytime soon unless it's for a meet and great or something.

"Hey man eat," Michael told me.

"I'm good," I said.

"You haven't ate since we left LA." Jared said.

"So?" I rolled my eyes.

"That was a month ago, what do you mean so?" Jared said.

"Come on baby eat ," Stokeley told me.

"Nigga I don't know how many times I've told you we aren't together. I'm not doing it. I don't want to," I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I know you did not just ask him that!" - the readers!

"Cause you're an asshole," I said and walked back to my bed. I finished putting my shoes on and then I walked back out, "Come on so we can pretend to like each other." I told Stokeley as I stepped off the bus and started making my way to the meet and greet a few feet away.


"X do you have someone special?" Someone asked.

"Nah I'm chillin," I shrugged.

"X! What are you?" Someone asked.

"Imma nigga!" I laughed.

"How do you pronounce your name!"

"X X X Ten Ta Cion." I said slowly as I then hugged a little girl who ran up to me.

"I like you songs," she said as I looked up at me.

"Aw thanks," I bent down to her level. "You're a cutie pie." I pinched her cheeks before standing back up.

"Can we get a picture?"

"Yeah sure," I stopped and hugged him.

I took a few more pictures and then Stokeley finally appeared

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I took a few more pictures and then Stokeley finally appeared.

"Can we get a picture of you two together for our magazine?" Someone asked as the waved a big ass camera around.

"Uh sure," I mumbled as I went closer to him and smiled for the camera. But Stokeley wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. I froze up but still smiled.

"Thank you guys. You're real adorable."

"X! Do you ever think you two will date?" Someone asked me and Ski.

"Uh no cause he's a dick and he don't swing that way," I chuckled and waved them off.

"Ski don't you think Jah is thick?"

"Uh I guess," I shrugged. "No homo tho."

"X! Are you and Dean going to get back together?"

"As of right now, no. But we'll never know what god has is store," I shrugged.

"Do you and Jared have a thing?"

I snorted, "that's my big brother!"

"Incest is illegal ma'am," I laughed.

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