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Jahseh is moving out today. And I'm sad. These past two weeks we have grown closer and I don't want him to leave. He's like my best friend and that's saying a lot cause I don't fuck with no one on that deep shit.

"Man come on," Jared sighed as he told me again to come on so we could drive Jahseh to his new condo.

Tell me why Jahseh just signed a $2.5 billion dollar contract and he gon move into a condo.

At least he can say the money don't change him. At least it's in my neighborhood. He's close by and I made sure of that.

"Aww Stokeley is gonna miss me," Jahseh tease me.

"He better not miss you too much," Jared chuckled. I think that Jared is trying to get with Jahseh but I thought he has a think for some girl names Marcy or something. I don't know. I used to think him and Trippie was fucking on the low but who honestly gives a fuck.

"Y'all gay cousins now come on I wanna go to my house!" Jahseh clapped his hands. "I want to sleep too."

"Jah wait!" I said as Jared walked out the door. Jah stayed and looked at me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said honestly.

"You act like we Married or something, you'll live,@!he chuckled

"I wish you would stay with me," I sighed.

"We both know why that won't work out," he said referring to me trying to be with him after saying he was disgusting. We will never get past this I swear.

"I won't do it. Just stay please?" I Asked.

"I'll visit you this weekend," he chuckled. And I'm only a few blocks away you'll be fine." He playfully punched my shoulder.

He looked up at me and we made eye contact. I leaned forward and...

And what?

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