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April fools!

I'm not deleting shit, you know how much time I put into this? Nah these books ain't going no where.

I love you

Question: do you think stoke and Jah will make it?

Question: does dean have revenge?

Question: y'all forgot Stokeley ain't out huh? Is that gna impact anything?


I smiled at Stokeley as I rolled over in the bed with his arms wrapped around me. Last night was amazing. The sex was.. woahh.. man that was sex that was.. love.. and passion.

It was great. The way he kept telling me how much he loved me as he stroked me.

I tried to climb out of the bed as I felt my dick stiffin cause I have to pee. But stokes grip was firm.

"Move.." I yawned.

"Sleep," he mumbled.

"Fine then I'll pee on you," I chuckled.

He let me go and I rushed into the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat and did my business, once finished I washed my hands.

I looked into the mirror and I was covered in hickeys. My neck, chest and v like. My junk was covered by my boxers but I could tell that there were definitely some down there.

"Holy shit," I sighed.

"Baby.." I heard Stokeley.

"Hmmm?" I turned back into the room and saw him peeking out the window.

"There are cameras everywhere,"he said in almost a whisper.

"Fuck, I don't need this," I shook my head.

"I'll handle it just, um put clothes on and make it seem like we were talking and now we are going to eat." He mumbled as he threw his clothes back on. "I have a restraining order so if they see me they have to leave."

"I-okay," I walked to my dresser and pulled out my fluffy onesie. I slipped on some house shoes. "Can we get some ihop?" I asked as I stuffed my wallet, Phone and keys in my wallet.

"Yeah we can just take my car I'll drop you off," he explained. We stepped out the front door and I locked it.


"Is it true you're adopted?"

"When's the album coming out?"

"Where is your boyfriend?"

"How many kids do you want?"

"You have a foot fetish?"

What the hell.

"Hi, Uh excuse me we trynna go eat," I asked politely.

"Who are you wearing?"

"A onesie isn't a person ma'am," I rolled my eyes and made my way past them with Stokeley behind me. These people wild.

"I love you" He said once we were in his car.

"Love you too," I smiled at him.

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