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I walked into the studio with Jahseh and Jared. Jahseh has been avoiding me so much since we had sex. That was the best sex I've ever had.

Maybe it was bad for him? But I don't know how it could be. He enjoyed it. He said so. The thing that held him back was Kevin. Yeah I got to do something about that nigga.

"So how was Jamaica?" Jared asked.

"I didn't go to Jamaica." I said confused.

"I did. And it was fun. Kevin bought me something." Jahseh smiled at Jared.

"What did he buy?" Jared asked. "Wait no let me guess. He bought you a hotel ya dig."

"Oh but he tried to, he proposed." Jahseh smiled. He held up his hand and flashed his diamond ring.

"And you said yes?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Yeah, I love him," Jahseh smiled softly, showing some of his teeth.

"So when's the wedding?" Jared asked.

"In May." Jahseh said.

"That's in three months," I exclaimed.

"And I want you to be my best man," Jahseh told Jared as we approached our studio room.

"Really? I thought you would have asked Stokeley." Jared smiled.

"Why would I do that?" Jahseh asked.

"Never mind I forgot you don't like him," Jared chuckled.

"I thought we squashed that beef that night I-"

"Shut up!" Jahseh glared at me. "We did. And then after we talked you went home." He said sternly with hurt in his eyes.

"Okay," I said.

"So as your best man, I get to plan your bachelor party. And we are going to s strip club and then renting a yatch for a night." Jared explains to Jahseh.

"Yay!" Jahseh smiled.

"Am I invited," I asked as I sat in a chair.

"I don't think so. And I don't think we should see each other anymore. Like we shouldn't be friends." Jahseh told me.

"Why?" I sighed.

"You know why," he said.

"I don't," Jared chuckled.

"Cause he's a dick." Jahseh groaned.

"Yeah but you like this dick," I rolled my eyes and walked away.

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