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I'm patiently waiting for this YouTuber to upload 💀and I don't have a life.

I'm also having an allergic reaction to some lotion rn and I'm at school. But my mom can't get me cause she's at the doctor and I'm just sitting her with my skin burning like yeah. Totally fine.

Yeah it's going great.

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*2weeks later*

I walked into the back room and laid my head on Stokeley's lap. "Babe I'm tired." I whined.

"You're always tired baby," he chuckled. "Did you eat something?" He asked.

I shook my head no and I heard him sigh.

"Jahseh eat. Now." He said in a stern voice.

"I can't," I said.


"Cause I'm not hungry first of all and everything I eat my body rejects so no I won't eat," I shrugged.

"Comere," he told me and I sat up leaning my head into his chest.

"I love you," He said.

"I love you too," I kissed his neck.

"Can't you go to the doctor or something?" He asked.

"Why so they can call my dad?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nevermind," he sighed and rubbed my back. "Just take a nap, I'll get you some medicine later." He kissed my forehead and then I laid back down on his lap and closed my eyes while he massaged my hair.

Later that afternoon...

We are currently backstage about to have an interview with TMZ. Well the interview is in like thirty minutes so right now I'm in my dressing room kissing my boyfriend.

"Babe I'm nervous," I said.

"About what?" He asked as he looked up at me.

"I never did a interview before and plus we have a wayyyy bigger audience tonight then anywhere else we've been yet." I said.

"Yeah it's a big ass crowd, " he shrugged. "And interviews are nice. They just want some kind of tea to work with. Sometimes they dig into your personal life but just say a simple no or some shit." He explained.

"Okay," I smiled a little bit.

He leaned forward and kissed me. "I'll come out soon." He said.

I widened my eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, I wanna go on dates and stuff. I can't do none of that and it kills me. So imma come out.. not yet but soon." He explained.

"Okay," I smiled. I kissed him for a few more minutes and then we decided to go find the Interviewers.

When we finally found them they were already set up so we just started the interview.

"So stokeley, should we expect a new album anytime soon?" A guy with dreads asked.

"Uh wait and see." Stokeley laughed.

"What about you X?" Dreads asked me.

"Umm.. I'm still making some moves with my first album but yeah always know imma give.." I smiled.

"And your eighteenth birthday is coming up, how you feel about that?" A blonde asked.

"I can finally be free of my demons," I shrugged.

"Care to explain?" They asked.

"Uh no. Just know I didn't come from a happy home or family," I said.

"Okay, onto the next question, Ski, there's a picture going around of you dancing with strippers," dreads asked.

"Um that was definitely not me. I don't go to strip clubs, I rather order em to a room ya dig," Stokeley laughed.

I snorted and looked away.

Stokeley once told me he thought strippers were just nicely treated hookers.

"And X, there's some pictures of you two, kissing," dreads asked me. I crossed my brows and gave him a confused looks.

"What picture?" Stokeley asked.

You kissed his cheek in a picture some fans took, or was it a magazine?"

"Oh you made it sound like some gay shit," Stokeley chuckled. "Oh yeah he's my brother we take pictures just to give em sum to look at." Stokeley said.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"And what about what the fans want. People are starting you ship you two together.." blondie stated.

"Um.." I shrugged.

"Yeah nah none of that. Like I don't care he's gay but that shit can stay dat way. I don't do that weird shit. That's hella hella hella nasty. Like nothing against gay people but that life ain't for me," Stokeley said.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yeah the thought of us needs to stop. That's dead as hell." I made eye contact with Stokeley. "We will never work." I said more to Stokeley.

"Okay well what about Dean?" Another guy asked. He has a fade.

"Um what about him. We broke up and yeah." I stated.

"Getting back together?" Dreads asked.

"No, not a chance of that. I think I hurt him. And we just weren't right. Like we were in love with the idea of love but not with each other. Well at least for me that's how it was." I shrugged.

"And what about you and Geneva?" Blonde asked Ski.

"Uh she's not... nah," Ski said. "I can't handle that girl. She ain't it."

"What does that mean."

"It means, she's a nice girl who just does stupid things for stupid reasons that don't make any sense. But shes in my heart. I just wouldn't be with her. But don't go bashing her cause everyone makes mistakes and hopefully she learned from hers but yeah we ain't gon happen again." Ski explained.

The night ended with the performance and then we headed to the bus to makes our next stop.

"Ski," I called him into the room.

"Yes?" He smiled at me.

"I can't be with you," I said. "You did it again. When all you had to say was yes or no. And I feel disappointed and disrespected. So we just won't be together. Now you don't have to come out." I said.

"No that's not, no," he said.

"No what?" I asked.

"No, we can't break up," he said.

"You know what you have to do to get me back," I sighed. "I'll wait for you to do it when your ready. But don't take too long." I said before walking past him.

Guys please pleaseee please.. go read this book

 go read this book

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