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Made me cry.. poor Jen.


We drove past the front gate after Stokeley got pass security. After driving past these big ass houses for another twenty minutes, we finally arrived at what I'm guessing us his house. He parked the car in the garage and then opened his door and got out. I opened my door slowly.. climbing out.

"Uh you can have the guest room," he said as we entered the house from the garage.

"Uh thank you, I'll be gone tomorrow morning," I said quietly.

"Where you gonna go?" He asked as he flopped on a large "L" shaped couch. Sat down on a few feet away from him.

"Um a hotel I guess until I find somewhere," I said. "I just have to get some money out the bank," I sighed.

"Well just stay here til you find your place. Shouldn't take more than I week right?" He asked.

"Uh probably less I guess. But it's fine I'll stay in a hotel," I told him. I don't need no one helping me. I don't need to rely on anyone or trust anyone. I relied and trusted my dad and look where that got me. Homeless. Across the country. Alone.

"Why won't you just let me help you?" He asked.

"Cause first of all you're you, I don't need no one saying I'm using you or something. And second I don't want to owe anyone anything and last, trusting and relying on people almost got me killed," I sighed.

"Well yeah I'm me, so let me help," he said.

"I said no," I glared at him.

"Well at least let me help you find somewhere then," he asked.

I sighed, "fine."

"But you're staying here until I find you somewhere safe and affordable." He decided.

"I'm not even finna argue with you I'm too tired," I shook my head.

"Good cause you wasn't finna win. Want some to drink?" He asked.

"Some water?" I asked.

"Bet," he got up left out of the living room. Damn this house is big and nice.

A few minutes passed and he came back with some white styrofoam cups in his hands. He handed me one and then sat down and immediately started to drink his.

I brought my cup to my mouth and began to drink the water. Only it wasn't water. I choked on it. "What the hell is this? I asked for water."

"It's henny , you're uptight. Drink some it'll calm your nerves," he said calmly. Who the fuck told you to put this dirty ass smelly ass shit in my cup?

I'm not even finna argue with him cause he will convince me to drink it and it's not worth the fight. I began to drink out the cup again and before I knew it, it was gone. And now my head hurts. Cause yes, I'm lightweight.

"Want some more?" He asked as he stood.

"Uh sure," I handed him my cup and he walked away with it. He came back with a bottle and he filled my cup up in front of me and gave it back to me.

"So where did you used to live?" He asked me.

"Broward," I said. I looked down at my cup.

"Any siblings?" He asked.

"Yeah I have a brother and a sister," I said. "I was the oldest."


"They don't want me no more," I shrugged.


"Cause I'm gay," I sighed and took another drink from my cup. "I mean I don't try to be. I don't want to be. But I am. And I can't even look at a girl like that. I makes me sick. And I tried to date a girl for them and she was all kinds of screwed up. She told everyone and they mama that I beat her so she could get money from my family," I shook my head. "And it was all because they wanted me to be with a woman."

"Oh so you're gay?" He asked.

"That's what I just said." I rolled my eyes.

He didn't say anything after that.

"Don't worry I won't try to sleep with you or anything," I rolled my eyes again.

"No that's not wha- I was just.. my manager. Is looking for someone to sign to his label. Specifically someone gay.." he told me.

"What's that got to do with me?" I looked at him.

"Can you sing or rap?" He asked.

"Yeah I can do both," I shrugged.

"Than there's your job," he chuckled.

"Oh you want me to do that? No no no. You see um... I don't like people. And I don't like pictures. So me and famous don't mix," I said.

"Just give it a try," he groaned.

"I'll think about it," I shook my head.

"'No you're doing it," he said.

"Stockly met me six hours ago, and you over here trynna act like someone's father," I rolled my eyes.

"Cause someone has to be there. No one deserves to be alone," he looked at me with a serious facial expression.

"Whatever you say,but imma go to bed." I stood up right when he did and we bumped into each other. He looked down at me when I held my forehead just as I looked up. Fuck he's so fine.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"You good?" He asked as I touched my forehead.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I said quickly, looking away from him. "Umm can I go to sleep."


"Uh y-yeah sure," why the hell did I want to kiss him. It's the Hennessy. Yeah that's it.

"Yeah," I started walking down the hallway to the guest room next to my bedroom. I stopped in front of the door and when I turned around I ran into him. And we both fell.

"Ow!" He whined. "You're Clumbsy," he laughed as I slowly rolled to my side, facing him. Now our faces inches apart.


I cut him off by kissing his lips. Only to quickly pull away.

"I don't think you should do that again," he said quietly.

"Yeah I I know," I stood up quickly after him. "This is your room. There's a bathroom in there and the kitchen is around the corner. Make yourself comfortable," I quickly said and walked to my room. Fuck was I thinking. That's just it. I wasn't.

They gonna be awkward *clicks tongue* or nah?

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