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Heavy drops of rain poured down during the morning on Busan, South Korea. The grey clouds hovered over the sky and prevented any sunlight to be emitted between them. The birds were hidden in their nests, the wind made the leafs on the trees get entangled with it along with the drops of water. Couples of men and women, men and men, women and women along with loners ran along the streets covering their heads with their jackets, coats, purses or if they were lucky, their umbrella. 

On the busy roads, the bright headlights of cars, trucks and vehicles shined through the heavy rain and the sounds of their motors mixed with the sounds of raindrops; today was just one of the normal weekdays in Busan. Through the falling raindrops, a small black silk feather wet from the rain was falling down from the sky. The black feather swayed in different directions because of the strong forces of the pressure of the wind and the heavy raindrops that pushed her down closer to the ground.

In a modern-looking house a single pair of dark chocolate eyes belonging to you stared at the heavy raindrops pouring down the window. You stood inside your bedroom glancing outside the window while humming a lullaby to yourself as your gaze was lost in the drops of water until your eyes landed on a black feather the wind seemed to carry.

You were wearing a navy navy blazer over a white button-up dress shirt, on your slim waist hanged a navy skirt that reached your upper knee and a pair of white crew length socks tightly covered your shins. Brown wavy hair hung over your shoulders and the brown hair tips barely blocked the white name tag on the left upper side of your navy vest; it read 수겸 고듬학교 (Soogyeom High School) on top and below 박 Y/N (Park Y/N) in black hangul writing.

"Y/N, It's raining! Come downstairs and eat breakfast or you'll be late for school!"

The loud shout of a woman's voice vibrated on the closed mahogany colored wooden door of your bedroom. You broke free of the trance and began walking to the wooden door of the bedroom. As you reached the end of the stairs, you turned right and faced the view of the dinning table where a woman in her late early 40's was eating a piece of toast with her right hand and a white mug with a black aesthetic bird design was held by her left hand between her index finger and middle finger. Two white plates were placed on the mint-crystal table. The two plates had one toast each with butter spread over them, scrambled eggs and two slices of juicy bacon. You joined the woman for breakfast until no food remained on the plates. 

"Thank you for the breakfast mom. It was delicious," you commented while getting up from the chair, grabbing the empty plate, and walking over to your mother, pecking the woman's right cheek before gathering your mother's empty plate so you could wash the dishes. 

"Oh honey, I'll wash them. Go get your backpack, I'll drive you to school so you won't catch a cold."

You nodded and left the dishes on the sink before you could grab your black backpack filled with your school work. You ran up the stairs and grabbed your black backpack to make your way to school. When you returned downstairs your mother had finished watching the dishes and was checking inside her grey Coach purse for her car keys. 

"Eomma, Can I walk?" you asked, pupils enlarged as you pushed your rosy lips together in a pleading form. You absolutely loved the rain, you loved to feel the water droplets fall beside you, it calmed your soul when you would listen to the drops fall on the ground and when the water drops collided with an opened umbrella; you would love it if your mother let you walk to your school that was a few blocks away. 

"I don't want you to catch a cold. Knowing you, you would keep wandering in the rain all day," your mother sighed but soon saw the frown and pouts you were giving her. "Promise me you'll cover yourself and walk fast to school. Text me, no, call me when you arrive."

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