Chapter 16: Blinded Jimin

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Nothing felt the same anymore

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Nothing felt the same anymore. Your body felt weightless for the first time ever since the accident and when your eyes opened you froze completely. 

"You're awake." Two dark double eyelid eyes greeted you back into consciousness. "How are you feeling?" The man's lips formed a smile and their heart shape made you think he was cute.

"Who are you? Where am I?" you asked, slowly sitting up and still not realizing your knees just moved at the action. 

"Careful." The man's arms steadied your body and you finally saw what was behind him, more like who. 

"Where's Jungkook?" You asked.

"Far away," Kim Namjoon answered, walking forward and staring down at your features that resemble himself. 

"I'm Hoseok, your new assigned guardian angel. Call me forth and I shall protect you." The man called Hoseok introduced himself with a bow after placing his right hand above his stomach to signal respect.

"She does look like you, Namjoon hyung," Hoseok said after returning his straight posture.

 "Obviously, it's in her DNA." From everything happening right now, your heartbeat was beating like crazy. There was the connection you had with Jungkook pulling you to your other shared heartbeat, and most of all the pain and anger rushed through your veins; the demon's emotions. And like an ocean's wave against rocks, the memories of the last time you saw your mother came back with a jolt.

"My mother!" You exclaimed and unconsciously, your body jerked forward in such an unexpected movement that you were standing on the ground. "Before I answer that, how does it feel to stand on your feet again?"


"Where is she?!" Jungkook dashed towards Jimin with raging crimson eyes. Your body was gone, your scent was gone, it felt utterly frustrating, emotionally wrecking, panicking and stressing when you just disappeared from his arms. 

"You don't get to say anything, demon." With his wings full spread to protect Soo Jin, the lemonade-pink haired angel prepared for combat. "She's safe, from you," he added.

"Jeon Jungkook, if you ever want to see her again stop moving!" Seokjin rather spoke too loud and his voice was sharp beside Soo Jin, the protection of Jimin's wings was not going to be enough.

"You're blind, Park Jimin." Jungkook stepped forward and began running with threatening fangs out. 

"You broke the law!" Jimin spread his legs apart and flexed them followed by the fast flutter of his wings to create a blast of wind in direction of the demon.

"I was not the one who had sex with a witch! You never listened to me! Hyun Ae was corrupted by evil! She used you!" Before Jungkook could continue, the strong blast held him back even if he used his black wings to cover his front as he knelt. 

"Don't forget about me–"

"SUMMA TELEPORTATION!" Seokjin used his left hand and pointed it at Taehyung. A sudden blinding light appeared before the other demon cursed and disappeared into thin air. He found himself once again in the hospital, inside your room screaming curses because he couldn't talk to your mother and because he had no way of finding the place where everyone was. "I was so close!" he groaned.

"Why would I lie?! Didn't you see how her soul instantly disappeared after I killed her with the flaming sword? Witchery is the connection to Lucifer! How could her soul go to Heaven if she was evil? Didn't you see that? All of you misjudged my actions!" Jungkook spread his black wings back and panted. Through his heartbeat, he felt a sudden happiness erupt in it. Like a jolt of electricity, his heartbeat increased when goosebumps formed in his skin. 

"What the fuck is happening?" He couldn't control what what was happening. "Why am I crying?" he asked himself. "Hoseok." He could feel in his heart a familiar guiding hand. Like a presence of someone that protects and enlightens the mind and body. "She's in the Hope Sinjeon."

Jungkook's fangs disappeared and the crimson of his eyes darkened to wine. He knew you were okay. He was utterly terrified that he won't see you again, but he now knew you were in safe hands. Out of all the angels he knows, the demon knew that you were with Hoseok and he wouldn't ever hurt you. What worried him was Namjoon. He did not trust Namjoon at all.

"Hyun Ae threatened me," Jungkook confessed.

Jimin scoffed and shook his head, "She loved me! She never lied to me. You're the liar, Jeon!"

Soo Jin was completely confused as a bystander in the back with Seokjin's protection. Her body was healed but she wasn't used to this. She wanted to cry but as a strong woman that has been through a lot, she held back. All she wanted was to take you back in her arms and protect you from harm; maybe even beg to Namjoon to come back. But she knew, she was a mortal and the angel she loved was a high archangel who served the Almighty.

"You're still blinded by love! You're capable of looking into someone's memories! Park, you're just scared that once you see the truth, you'll start to blame yourself instead of me and that is the key to an angel's insecurity." Jungkook spat standing back up and watched as the eyes of the angel in front of him finally looked scared. 

The demon had waited an eternity to say those words. To finally express himself to the man he once called his best friend and hyung. But when he was stripped of his life as an angel, of his titles, of everything, the possibility of his redemption came to none and as his punishment was; white darkened into black for him to never encounter Jimin again. Quite unfair punishment for a fallen angel; maybe not.

"Shut up! I'll see it fot myself!" Jimin flew forward and in the blink of an eye, the angel's hands were holding tight onto the demon's raven locks. Jungkook closed his eyes and groaned while Jimin's pupils dilated and his movements froze.

The lemonade pink haired archangel found himself rummaging through the demon's memories. He saw the memory of Jungkook kissing you, of him sparing a boy in an alleyway, of him checking over your unconscious body, of him watching how you were hit by a car, of years and years back, centuries of memories until he stopped when he finally saw a peculiar memory of him and Hyun Ae; the day she was murdered by the flaming sword.

"No..." he whispered when he saw how Hyun Ae smirked at Jungkook after confessing her actions towards himself.

He couldn't believe it. He exited that memory and continued searching; there had to be more. He continued searching and searching through Jungkook's memories. He passed the ones where he saw himself and Jungkook fighting over Hyun Ae, when he did not listen to him. And he continued until he found another one. In this one, Jungkook was hiding while spying on her. And it broke him was because it was true. Hyun Ae was indeed a witch, a follower of Lucifer. He saw her practicing the evil deed of offering her blood.

For an angel, forgiveness should be easy if they read that the person's heart speaks the truth. But what about a demon? Can an angel forgive a demon easily? Jimin searched through Jungkook's memories and saw the truth for himself, like Saint Thomas; To see is believe.

Jimin's hand on Jungkook's scalp loosened and he stepped back with trembling fingers. He was crying.

"I... should've believed you."

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