Chapter 10: Shared Heartbeat

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It is the people closest to you that are supposed to treasure you the most

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It is the people closest to you that are supposed to treasure you the most. No matter how wrong or complicated things might get, your closest relatives and friends are supposed to support you and be there for you no matter what; even through the moments you've committed a horrible sin. That's how Park Jimin has always thought, yet he was beginning to question that way of thinking. An angel, a celestial being with gorgeous white-silk long wings and dyed lemonade-pink hair flawlessly flew over the clouds.

He wore a white-dress shirt with esmerlad-green floral designs tugged under dark brown tight jeans. The wind blew against his hair yet his face kept still and the glimmer in his eyes hinted of sparing tears; Jimin's nose was a tad pink, as well as his cheeks. From the expression his eyes held, one would assume he was sad, but from the way he gritted his teeth, it was clear as day he was angered by something.

Seeing in the distance a golden structure no more than one mile away, he fastened the quick yet fast fluttering of his wings. It was a building with a close resemblance to a temple, the walls were painted gold yet the big door at the entrance was painted white and the doorknob was gold. Without hesitation, as the angel landed on steady on his feet at the floor of the golden temple, his white-silk feathery wings hid behind his back and the dark brown Louis Vuitton he wore began to make loud creaking sounds that echoed throughout the whole golden temple hovering over the clouds.

He opened the door by twisting the golden doorknob and pushed himself inside. The inside of the temple was different from the outside, the walls were painted white and stained glass art over windows. His pair of chocolate brown eyes glimmering as he spotted at a figure seated in a chair–a throne– the figure instantly straightening its posture.

"You promised to keep her safe!"

Jimin's dark brown shoes continued creaking on the floor as he walked straight towards the figure seated on the throne. 

"She is safe."

The voice was deep, it belonged to a man; it wasn't raspy, but it was soothing like eating a honey biscuit in a calm morning. 

"How is being with Jungkook safe? He's a demon! Don't you care about her at all?!" Jimin raised his voice and finally stared into a pair of almond-like eyes across from him. 

"Of course I do. It's in my best interest what happens to her. Calm down Jimin." The man raised his hand to help the man before him calm down his emotions but it was stressing his nerves out. 

"I am calm! I'm just mad because you're just sitting here doing nothing while Jungkook is down there on Earth preying on Y/N." The lemonade-pink haired angel scoffed as he began crossing his arms against his chest in a way to intimidate the man seating on the throne across from him.

"He won't kill her if that's what you're worried about Jimin." The man seated on the throne answered in a calm voice. 

"How can you be so sure Namjoon? Seokjin hyung said he wanted to eat her soul and that he's–" Jimin stopped his sentence and sighed when he saw the other's reaction. 

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