Chapter 5: Frightening Stares

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Pants followed by worn out breaths resonated throughout the empty dark alleyway

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Pants followed by worn out breaths resonated throughout the empty dark alleyway. A young man in his early twenties was running for his life. He wore a grey hoodie with the cap on, black sweatpants hanged loosely over the black nike shoes stained with dirty water from the alleyway's floor. The said young man's pecan-colored eyes blurred his vision, beads of sweat slid down the pitch black orbs hanged over his sweaty forehead and the black round glasses he wore, its lenses were almost fogged up. Only the thought of escaping rushed through his mind.

"Help! Somebody help me!" he shouted but in result he only got a chuckle from behind him followed by his left foot losing his balance and his body fell forward to the wet concrete floor of the dark alleyway.

"Bae Jin Young. College student with average grades, average friends, average life, no wrong deeds. I've had my eye on you for a few weeks. I wonder what your soul tastes like. Would it be sweet or just like the others, boring and unsatisfying?"

Bright crimson red eyes belonging to the raven-haired demon were staring at the college student. The demon wore a black hoodie with a pair of tight jeans firmly attached to his thighs and a pair of black mercenary boots. His long white fangs were out, his expression was filled with hunger and his black feathered wings were safely hidden for the occasion.

"N-No! P-Please! I beg of you!" The college student's pleading was filled with anxiety and fear as he moved his waist trying to move backwards. His thoughts were clouded with one word, fear. He was about to be killed by the demon and so he joined his hands in a begging position with tears beaming down his eyes. 

"Begging. How I love the sound of that. The sound of the blood pumping through your veins is inviting me. How I feel my hunger consume me." Jungkook grinned as he took a step closer to the begging male.

As he was about to take hold of the male's grey hoodie, he stopped. A sudden unstable feeling took over his mind and the intoxicating smell of vanilla and magnolias interrupted his nostrils, even from the distance he smelt it. 

"I guess you do get to live after all. Somebody needs me," the demon growled at his unfinished business and turned around, giving time for Bae Jin Young to get up and escape that deadly fate. 

The said male never looked back, he continued running away until he was lost in the crowd far away from the dark alleyway. The poor college student was scarred for life, knowing how he'd never be able to sleep again without seeing the demon's bright crimson eyes staring back at him, he ran away with all his might.

Jungkook sighed and jogged his way to the hospital five blocks away from his location; pulling on the hood of his black hoodie, he avoided any humans glancing at him. "She's supposed to be asleep," he mumbled and stopped at the entrance of the hospital. He glanced around from left to right and he turned right. Being careful no one was around the area, he moved his shoulders back and two black silk feathery wings sprung out through his shoulder blades. He took a leap and the black wings fluttered back making his black mercenary boots leave the ground until his body was flying in the air towards the window of your room high in the building, thirteen floors elevated.

This was Jungkook's only choice -to fly- because the demon wasn't on guard duty nor did he have his doctor's identification at the moment and plus, he felt the need to stretch his long black wings for a few seconds. The demon found himself just outside of the window of your room; the ground was too far away from him. He stared through the window to check up on you but there was only silence and darkness. The lights were turned off and there was no sign of movement coming from your body, analyzing this, Jungkook carefully extended his hand to try and open the window from the outside. The demon was feeling confused about the situation.

When the demon found himself already inside the dark room, his eyes roamed around your frail sleeping body on the bed. 

"Why did I sense her awake?" he thought.

Jungkook furrowed his brows and hid his wings once again; now there were two holes on the back of the black hoodie exposing his toned skin. He slowly walked over to your sleeping figure, his crimson eyes darkening to wine red as he kept staring at your closed eyes. Long black eyelashes resting on top of your lower eyelid and your face was somehow reflecting pain.

"Y/N?" Jungkook's cold right hand met your warm left cheek for a few seconds before her your lips quivered. Somehow, even though the temperature of his hand wasn't a normal warm one, your head unconsciously leaned for the demon's hand. 

"No..." Your raspy sleeping voice shivered and your head moved to the other side of the pillow fast. You started to pant and the demon realized it wasn't him causing this to you; you were having a nightmare. Deep inside of him, he wanted to console you but he refrained from having more physical contact with your asleep figure and so he slowly walked back after retracting his hand, his red wine eyes never leaving your closed ones.

Just as he was standing in front of the bed, his red wine eyes staring at you, darkness painting the hospital room, your eyes sprung open, and your lips parted as panting breaths left them. You leaned your arms against the bed to try and raise your body upward; regardless of the heavy weight your paralyzed legs were. A sudden shiver running down your spine made the small hairs on your skin raise as well as goosebumps appearing on the surface of your skin. You felt two pair of eyes on you. Your fingers began to slowly tremble, not in fear but with coldness when you felt a stinging cold feeling -as if ice was directly pressed against your left cheek.

Your dark chocolate eyes stared in front of you, another set of shivers running down your spine when you saw a pair of wine red eyes, whose red was slowly brightening to a scarlet. Lightened by the moonlight coming from the window, the skin of the figure was very pale, rosy wet lips seemed to be inviting, shadows cast upon the silhouette's face and raven-ends of hair tips messily rested above it's pale forehead. The red wine eyes were familiar to you and you parted your lips to say a word, a word that left your lips like a faded whisper. 

"...Jungkook?" You blinked your eyes for confirmation that he was there, but when you opened them again, no one was there; nothing, just the darkness.

The dark hospital room was empty aside from yourself. The window of the room was shut close and coldness was consuming all emotions. You ignored the silence and leaned back on the bed to try and regain your lost sleep once again; the pair of wine red eyes not leaving your clouded thoughts. Not a few minutes later, you were sound asleep, with the small breaths you took adding a small sound to the silenced hospital room.

"Sleep well, Y/N."


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