Chapter 8: Confrontation

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You stared at the raven-haired doctor who just entered the hospital room you were in

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You stared at the raven-haired doctor who just entered the hospital room you were in. He wore a brown sweater with black tight slacks, two black timberlands and above the white doctor's coat he wore, the silver stethoscope hung around his neck and his doctor's identification hanging from the left front pocket of the coat. The demon offered you a smile revealing his white bunny teeth as he approached your body. 

"Good Morning Y/N~" he greeted you, and you sighed rubbing your temple with your right hand.

"Good Morning, Jungkook." You greeted back and held out your hand.

"Jungkook... Can you hold my hand?" Bodly said, feeling a little rush of butterflies fluttering inside your stomach, you held out your right hand waiting for a response. 

"What?" The raven-haired demon was confused, he knitted his brows together and felt the cold blood flowing through his veins rush and his chest tightened. It was a known feeling that he's been feeling lately every time you compliment him, initiate a conversation, offer him a smile, any close interaction that happened between the both of you had made the demon's frozen heart to skip a beat. "Okay..."

Jungkook slowly extended his left hand; surprisingly he was acting shy. A few veins popped out onto the pale skin as his fingers were almost touching yours. You felt yourself drawn to clasp his fingers between yours for unknown reasons, but you had to confirm something. No, confirm might not be the word, you wanted to hear the truth from him and him only. 

The man you've trusted yourself with, the man who took care of you when you were in a coma state, the man who made your heart skip beats, you needed to hear the truth from him. His hands were warmer than you had expected, the usual coolness of them wasn't present, it was unusual. Feeling his fingers intertwine with yours, you kept a small grip on his hands while your left hand was below the blue blanket the hospital provided with the bed, with your left hand, you gripped into the solid surface of something that was hidden away from the visible eye.

"Jungkook, Will you be honest with me?" You softly said, staring into his dark wine eyes, noticing how in his eyes you saw your reflection. The demon's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, his nose scrunched a little on instinct as it was his habit whenever he became confused. 

"Yes, what do you want me to be honest about?" He pushed his bottom lip out as he tilted his head to his left a little given you were leaving him in a pure state of confusion at your sudden actions and requests.

"Who was the young man I saved?" The shiver that travelled your body as soon as you said that sentence was felt below the demon's hand. Jungkook bit the tip of his tongue inside his closed mouth, he had told you he would be honest with you -he had to be. The same creature of pure evil was starting to doubt himself and question what would he say next, because his answer would change your perspective and view of him. "I-I care a lot about you Jungkook... but I recently discovered that... never mind. Please, just answer my question with the truth." You pleaded, tightening the grip on your intertwined fingers, the warmth emitted from his hand was odd to you. Surely, you remember most of the time his touches were ice cold, but right now, the doctor's hands were warm.

He would see your eyes water and your body shake when he imagined himself telling you the truth. He wanted to lie his way out of this conversation, but his gut was telling him that he couldn't do that right now; it was strange because his gut feeling was always right. Jungkook gulped visibly and sighed, he was losing his composure over this moment, he didn't know that his intertwined fingers with yours emitted warmth, but he didn't care. He had decided upon imagining your frail state, the create of pure evil, had decided on what his answer would be and there was no going back. He was going to change his ideals, he would ruin everything he's done by his next choice of words; it all depended on your reaction.

"Me. You saved me."

Jungkook returned the grip on your intertwined fingers. Your eyes opened wide, your dark chocolate pupils dilated surprised. Never in a million years would you have expected Jungkook to confess to be the young man who you saved from such the atrocity. But you were confused, it was not falling into place. The puzzle pieces were still missing, and this confession was just like a puzzle piece too big for the small space it needed to connect. 

"W-What? It doesn't make any sense! " You could only stutter at the beginning of your question, and then regain your composure slightly raising your voice.

You tightly grabbed the object that laid below the hospital blanket and pulled it out. You showed it to the demon who held your hand tightly as did you.

"Where did you get those files?" Jungkook's voice lowered, his voice was dark and you felt yourself slightly tremble for one second when he spoke in a dark tone. The warmth of the intertwined fingers was cooling, and you were taken a-back.

Why do his hands change temperature so fast?

"Be honest with me. It doesn't make any sense! How could you be the man that I saved and not have even the slightest scratch on you. You said you took care of me for three months and my mom even said so. It doesn't... make sense– HOW?"

Long nails scratched against a chalk board emitted cruel sounds, this is what you felt; it felt like betrayal. Everything, you felt how the tears began to spill from your eyes when you dreaded knowing if Jungkook had been lying to you since the moment you woke up from the coma.

In your state of commotion, your pure soul still shined with light and the demon could sense it. His heightened senses could smell the way your scent was increasing as you kept wanting to know the truth about everything. And Jungkook, was losing his composure badly. First, his hands against yours slowly lost their hold, your hands missed the warming-coolness they held but you kept asking him without stopping. 

"Don't lie to me!"

Exclaims of confusion and sorrow filled with your voice added fuel to the fire inside the demon that was losing composure; that was the second. And third, Jungkook inhaled a breath to calm himself but that was the worst thing he could do, when your intoxicating scent of vainilla and magnolia entered his nostrils and filled his lungs, the demon growled lowly. 

He lost control.

The dark wine red color of his iris brightened to crimson, his face went still, he lunged his body over yours, his legs beside your waist, his bottom on top of your abdomen, his chest leaning down against yours, his fingers digging deeply onto the pillow beside your head and now your dark chocolate brown eyes stared up to meet a pair of scarlet red eyes staring down at you daring you to speak another word.

You couldn't even gulp, his weight on your body forgotten as you stared into the scarlet eyes of the demon on top of you. Your heartbeat increasing and alluring even more the demon's thirst; but he controlled that part of himself right now. It was new. It was scary. In his scarlet-crimson eyes you saw the accident happening once again, but instead of a blurry figure, you saw Jeon Jungkook glancing down in the middle of the road. 

"W-What are you?" Your voice wasn't high, it couldn't even reach a whisper, but he heard it loudly. This was your reaction.

"I'm the man you saved. I'm him. You saved a demon."

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