Chapter 1: Three Months

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The beeping sounds of a machine indicated your stable condition. A tube was connected to your nose and lips, your head was wrapped in a white-bandage just above your forehead, your eyes were closed–with no sign of opening soon–your chest moved upwards slowly as you were breathing slow, and lastly, your body was cleansed from the bruises and cuts inflicted the day of the accident. The same pair of red wine eyes stared at you; the raven-haired demon was standing just beside you as he watched your unconscious figure.

He no longer wore a ripped black dress shirt, black slacks and no shoes, instead, he wore a black turtleneck sweater, tight jeans that hugged his muscular legs, his right ear was decorated with a silver piercing, he wore a pair of black vans and to top it all, he wore a white robe; a doctor's robe and a Stethoscope -instrument used to hear the heart beat, and other organs- hanged around his neck. His hair was parted in the middle and his bangs curled at their end, his jawline still sharp and his lips seemed to have regain slight color -now they were a bit rosy-.

"It's been three months. How long are you going to make me wait?" His deep voice filled the hospital's room for a few seconds and it disappeared along with himself. He exited the room and walked fast to the elevator down the hall to take his mind off from the your figure that laid in a coma state. 

But, before he pressed the elevator's button he smelled it; the sweet scent, vanilla and magnolia, that sweet scent belonging to one girl only, you. "I guess she's awake." He retreated his steps with a smirk carved in his lips and he walked to the room you'd been staying at the past three months. Outside the door, it had a sign that read: 박 Y/N. The demon closed his eyes and tried calming his body so his eyes could darken as much as possible before he opened the door. As the doorknob twisted down, the demon opened the door and he was faced with your chocolate eyes staring at your body.

"Park Y/N, You're awake. How are you feeling?" He walked closer to you while reaching inside his robe's pocket for his Ophthalmoscope -to check your pupils- and your eyes revealed everything you felt; you were lost. 

"U-Um... Excuse me but..." You managed to say, your voice was raspy and you felt your body weight more than usual.

"You're in the Kim Jesong Hospital of Seoul. You were a victim of a car accident. Do you remember anything?" The demon stood beside you. He erased any emotion from his face and you slowly nodded.

"I remember walking to school on a rainy day and then... Oh my! Is that young man alright??! The young man I pushed out of the way?"

Your pupils enlarged and you turned your head to face the eyes of the 'doctor' beside you.

"Calm down Miss Y/N, your body needs rest." He raised his right hand and pointed the Ophthalmoscope to your opened right eye, the demon examined both of your eyes with the instrument and everything was in place. "No signs of head trauma..." He muttered completely ignoring the questions you had previously asked and raised his left hand before your sight followed his left hand's snapping of fingers. "Your sight and pupils are good." He lowered the Ophthalmoscope back into his pocket and silence consumed the room.

"D-Doctor...?" Your eyes clouded and glimmered with the room's light.

"Jeon. Jeon Jungkook," answered the demon. His ears caught the accelerated beats your heart was beginning to make and he was waiting for you to ask the question that would change your life.

"W-Why can't I feel my legs?" Finally you asked the question that's been eating you ever since you woke up. Throughout these minutes, you've tried to move your toes, curl them, even bend your knees but nothing; just as if each of your legs weighted over 200 pounds. 

"I'll explain it briefly." He started and you nodded. "Three months ago, when the acciden–"

A gasp escaped your lips followed by countless questions about your mother. "My mother? What about school? What ab–"

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