Chapter 2: Shower

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You stared at the figure of your covered legs with a look of sorrow hidden between your chocolate pupils. You were waiting for Doctor Junglook to come back; you showed your emotions now that you're alone, a bit of sorrow. "I hope he's living the life that I gave up my legs for." An almost inaudible mumble of a sentence faded into the air conditioner filling the empty bleak hospital room. Outside of your hospital room, the demon stood hanging his raven orbs over his forehead while his hands rested on the black push handle of a wheelchair. His ears were concentrated on the mumble emitted by you at the other side of the door.

He concentrated and sniffed in the air for a peculiar smell that suddenly was caught on his nostrils; the scent of vanilla and fresh green leafs just like a new blossomed tree on a spring day. The smell was brief and his dark wine eyes flashed to the bright red of a ruby just as his head turned around while behind his closed rosy lips the long white fangs were hiding, but he was met with an empty hospital hall and a faded scent.

"Must be my imagination," he mumbled before he glanced back at the hospital room's door while his ruby red eyes darkened to the deepest wine eyes he could control. His fangs were long gone before he opened the door with his right hand. You awaited inside and the sound of the door opening caused you to shift your gaze from your legs to the wheelchair being pushed by the handsome raven-haired doctor.

"Have you ever used a wheelchair before?" Jungkook asked as he stood beside the bed while his hands rested on the push handle of the wheelchair. You nodded and the demon returned the nod as he proceeded to the other side of the bed to change a few wires and injections connected to the front side of your left hand. "I'll carry you to the wheelchair after moving your IV drip." He swiftly walked to the side where the wheelchair was after making sure only the IV drip would move along with you. He pushed the wheelchair to your left side and uncovered your legs from the hospital's blanket.

The demon traced his index and middle finger on top of your left leg shin. You saw how his fingers were touching your skin but you couldn't feel any pressure, you could only see a the small pressure his fingers were making on the skin of your shin. "On a scale from 0 to 10, how much can you feel my fingers?" The raven-haired demon analyzed your features as he asked you the question. Furrowing your eyebrows, you closed your eyes to concentrate on your legs.

 "Zero..." You shook your head and slowly opened your eyes to see that he was no longer pressing his fingers against the skin of your shin but instead, he was much more closer than before. Just a small distance between your head and his. 

"Wrap your arms around my neck." You got a closer look on his handsome features as he seemed to extend his neck for you to hook your arms on it; you admired the face of the handsome doctor in front of you. "What did I tell you about staring?"Jungkook's rosy lips couldn't help but chuckle.

"S-Sorry." A rush of heat covered your cheeks as you raised your hands and hooked your arms around his neck while biting the inside of your cheek and shifting your gaze down. Your arms met the back of his black turtleneck; it was slightly cold but you ignored that fact and closed your eyes. He lifted you in his arms and placed you on the wheelchair beside the bed. The demon heard your heart beating like continuous knocks on a door which made him smirk at the echoes it made inside his ears.

Upon arriving into the hospital room's bathroom, the demon explained to you how you would bathe or shower amongst other things. You caught his explanations quickly and memorized them, though you were embarrassed. "I must sit in that bar board and begin bathing. When I finish, I'll dress up in that hospital robe and you'll take me back into the room. Did I miss anything?" You briefly resumed what Jungkook had just explained and he nodded agreeing.

 "Would you want me to call a woman nurse to help you?" Somehow, mentioning a nurse to help you was twisting his stomach; the demon was possessive, especially of the one pure soul he needed. 

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