Chapter 12: Summoned

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"I've been summoned

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"I've been summoned. The law decrees that once an Archangel summons the presence of another Archangel, the summoned one shall appear without question or hesitation. You created this law! I must go!" Park Jimin shouted at Namjoon who sat in his throne with a poker expression placed upon his features. 

"You must not. Seokjin hyung can handle it. I fear that if you show your presence, Jungkook might lose his composure. Trust me Jimin. Let Seokjin hyung handle it. That's an order."

The older's gaze inflicted dominance on the younger, never-wrecking and submission fought over but he couldn't; not when someone he cared about could be hurt and even more because of the promise he made to himself of never breaking the law once again.

"I will NOT abide your orders! I'm also an Archangel! I have my power and the law is SACRED, it must not be broken. Try and stop me." Jimin's white wings sprung open from his back, the veins in his neck popping in anger as he defied the older male. Ready to flip his wings at speed, he took a step back.

"Do you think I'm doing this for my own gain?!! You were the one that caused all of this thousands of years ago! Falling in love with a human!" Namjoon rose from his throne and the pupils in his eyes constricted in a shining gold. Two pair of long white-silk feathered wings sprung open completely fom his back, and Jimin stopped in his tracks. 

"Don't act like you didn't fall in love with a human either!!" Through gritted teeth, perturbed and exasperated by the accusation said against him, Jimin gulped as he fisted his right knuckles against his sides. "I will go, Jungkook should have to suck it up." Jimin did not glance back and flapped his spread wings to begin his flight descending towards the hospital's garden while Kim Namjoon frustratedly groaned. Now, Jimin was on his way to the hospital where Seokjin and Taehyung were fighting while Jungkook held you in his arms as both of you watched.

"I know, but look at what it brought me. She's..." the Archangel sighed between mumbles and rubbed his temples trying to lessen the consuming headache storming his brain. Some things are better left for the future, just as the whole unnamed relation between the Seven Archangels and the humans.


"You fucking asshole!" Taehyung's knuckles met the bottom lip of the pitch-black haired doctor, the skin starting to bleed at the huge pressure added and the doctor's head turned sideways. With your eyes focused only on the pair of white-wings at the back of Doctor Seokjin, your body clung to Jungkook's as the unknown feelings took over your bodies. 

"He's an angel?" You questioned the raven-haired demon and he took a pause before nodding.

"He's one of the Seven Archangels. Kim Seokjin, the Archangel of Healing. He possesses the power of Physical, Mental and Emotional Healing." The revelation had a goosebump sent throughout your arms. It was unexpected, the doctor who was kind all this time, and the one who actually gave you the hint of Jungkook's lie, was a completely different being than what you thought he was. There was no reaction upon your face, only an observant gaze on the angel that protected himself from the demon across from you. 

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