Chapter 7: Doubts

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"Do you feel this?"

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"Do you feel this?"

Jungkook was slowly moving your right bare foot in a circular motion; his hands were holding down the muscle below your ankle. 

"No." You shook your head and the demon sighed. 

"On a scale of one to ten?" he asked as he began to add pressure on your heel, not just any pressure, he was using his demonic strength to make sure how much you couldn't feel your legs.

 "T-Two!" you stuttered and the happiness you could feel was powerful. 

"Good, that's progress." Jungkook muttered seeing the reddened skin on your foot from all the pressure he added. "You're going to start rehab tomorrow. Do you want me to call your mother and ask her to join us?" Jungkook asked yet you shook your head thinking about how your mother's work was important.

"Okay, then it'll just be the two of us. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N. Have a good night's sleep." Jungkook offered a curl of his lips and slowly retreated himself after hearing your good bye's for the night. The demon left the hospital and made his way to find the prey that had escaped him when your scent had interrupted him the previous two nights.

You stretched your arms and yawned before leaning back on the bed. Feeling your bladder full, you groaned. "Really? He just left. I'll have to do it by myself..." You tried to slowly mount the wheelchair beside the bed and before you could accidentally hurt yourself, the door of the hospital room was swung open; not harshly but it was known that someone had entered the room. 

"Need any help?" The voice echoing on the walls of the hospital room belonged to none other than Doctor Kim Seokjin.

"C-Could you?" you stuttered, feeling your hands shake as you kept adding pressure on your palms leaning against the wheelchair's seat for support. 

"Easy there, I'll be lifting your body." He carefully wrapped his right arm around your slim waist while his left hand lifted your paralyzed legs below your knee. 

"Oh." You mumbled when you felt how warm his hands were around your body as you slowly hooked your arms around his neck, feeling his soft black hair in the process. 

"You're warm..." You said in a soft voice.

Being accustomed to the demon's cold hands, you found the warmth of the other doctor a little comfortable. "Correction, I am hot," he added, giving a little humor to the patient and she giggled at his comment. 

"It's just that Jungkook's are always cold." You had softly muttered once he had gently placed you in the wheelchair and Seokjin began guiding you to the bathroom of the hospital room. 

"Oh really? I guess it must be the cold temperature of the hospital." He lead you off and you nodded while puckering your lips as you thought about it, but didn't believe it because when you were at the garden, his hands were still cold as ice.

"I finished!" You slowly raised your voice calling out to the doctor when you finished your business and had already cleaned yourself. 

"I'm coming in." Seokjin slowly opened the door and helped you seat yourself back on the wheelchair and guided you back to the bed where he once again lifted your body and gently placed you on the bed. 

"Thank you, Doctor Kim." You bashfully thanked the black haired doctor who smiled in return and he grabbed the opportunity he had been waiting for -to have a talk with you without the presence of the demon.

"You're welcome Y/N. Please, call me Seokjin." He pulled the chair beside the bed closer to the bed and sat in it making you confused of his actions. "U-Um... Seokjin?" You asked.

"Mmh?" He hummed lifting his eyebrows and closed his plump red lips tight. 

"Don't you have the night shift?" you asked in a low voice, not really wanting to interfere with the doctor's work time. 

"We have Doctor Lee, Doctor Kang and Doctor Jun on it too. I'm sure they'll be fine without me for an hour or so." Seokjin offered a grin and leaned his back against the chair and crossed his legs. You nodded slowly and waited for the doctor to begin speaking and break the silence.

"So, I heard that you'll be starting rehab tomorrow. Those are great news." He politely tilted his head while smiling and you giggled affirming that you were excited and happy about it. 

"I want to feel my legs again. Today, Jungkook was examining my legs and I felt a small tiny tingling pressure on my heel. He said I was making progress!" Excitedly remembering the moment from the past hour, you felt proud of yourself.

"I'm glad."

The doctor was deep in thought, he knew that the strength the demon must've applied to your legs was surely not human and he was giving you a small bit of false hope since it would take at least a car tire stepping on your foot to be able to feel something again in your legs -that was how much strength the demon had applied to your heel. "Are you sad that you're paralyzed below the knees?" With curiosity written in his face, Seokjin had asked, even if he imagined what your answer would be, he still wanted to know. The angel sensed how your soul suddenly seemed to shine brighter even if your eyes portrayed sadness.

"Yeah... But, at least I know that the man I saved is alright." You truthfully answered and glanced at your legs briefly before locking eyes with the angel. 

"What man?" Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. From the information he had gathered, and the hospital files he read to search more information about you, they never mentioned anything about a man being saved.

"The day I was in a car accident three months ago, I saw a young man in the middle of the road while rain poured. On instinct, I ran towards him to save him from a car that sped in his direction. Because of it, I became like this." You saw the faded memories in blurry flashes, the sounds of crystal shattering along with the blurry figure of the young man you saw before passing out were repeating in almost black and white colors at the back of your mind.

"What do you mean? There aren't any records of another young man involved in the same car accident that you were involved in. I read your files and they never mentioned it." Seokjin replied with furrowed eyebrows as he gave thought into it. 

"What? Jungkook said he came in with me and was discharged two months and four weeks ago. Stop joking Seokjin." You attempted to cross your arms in front of your chest as you rolled your eyes at the doctor. 

"W-What? I'm not joking, I don't joke about work-related stuff. Maybe I can show you the files I read and prove it to you, and since they're your files, you're able to read them." The angel assured and then it clicked. Was it...?

"Wait... the man you said you saved, what did he look like? Do you remember?" Seokjin bit his lower lip and leaned forward to place his elbows on his knees and the back of his hands below his chin. 

"It's blurry... but I remember him wearing ripped clothes, his skin was pale and his hair was black. I can't remember him well, the image is really blurry." Feeling a little bad about not being able to remember the young man, you hanged your head down with a frown.

That demon is something else...

Seokjin placed his left hand on your right shoulder. "Don't feel bad about it, but, I can assure you that there was no man admitted with you to the hospital. I'll bring you the files tomorrow morning and you can see them yourself. I think Jungkook lied to you." The angel said the last sentence with a low voice, he did not mean harm, but he wanted to see what was the demon playing at. He just found the key to Pandora's box.

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