Chapter 15: Sin

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"I'm not giving her over to you even if she is your daughter

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"I'm not giving her over to you even if she is your daughter." Jungkook spat, but all you could do was stare at Namjoon's claims. 

"Y/N?" The archangel's voice came out soft, you couldn't comprehend why it made you relax and feel the missing piece of yourself slowly attach. 

"You're my father?" Your voice came out almost inaudible.

Namjoon nodded and your eyes focused on him. Jungkook understood everything now, your soul was half an angel's. The reason why you were an enigma to him, a pure soul, you were half a pure being. But by being half a pure being, your soul shouldn't be the purest white, and it was.

 "Her soul is too pure to just be half angel's." The raven haired demon felt your shared heartbeat's pace increase as his voice raised. You continued staring at the man called Namjoon, if he was your father, then the angel your mother was talking about was right there.

"He never said she was half angel." Jimin's voice spoke. 

He helped your mother stand and Seokjin used his angelic powers to heal the marks on her neck while he stepped forward to face you. 

"Park, Stay away from us." Jungkook's wings were ready to take off, he didn't to face the archangel who took everything away from him, and by everything, his life as an angel.

"You better listen, Jeon." The lemonade pink haired male met your eyes and you became enthralled. 

"You won't take her away from me." His flared up eyes in crimson deepened as his fangs threatened. You knew this Jungkook was losing his control, and you knew the angels won't hurt you, but for Jungkook, you weren't sure. 

"Do you remember Hyun Ae?"

"You're evil. He doesn't deserve your love, you've betrayed him! A human like you will continue to corrupt him, it is my duty to stop you." An angel with white feathered wings shining brightly with the sunlight raised his right hand in front of the human woman. A sword with a golden handle was swung forward, the blade covered with fire. 

"At least spare the child!" she screamed before the flaming blade could pierce her flesh.

"Impossible. He didn't," The angel whispered, his eyes scanning over the woman kneeling facing him with tears over her eyes. 

"He did. Now, would an angel murder a woman pregnant with an angel's child? This will be my salvation from Hell," she smirked back.

"You despicable being. I will be the end of your wicked game. Jimin will see how you played him and when your soul leaves for Hell, you will suffer with Lucifer for all eternity." He spit out and heard the shouts of Jimin calling out for him. 

The other angel was flying down crying and reaching his hands out to stop the angel in possession of the flaming sword. "JUNGKOOK NO!"

"Forgive me, hyung. It is my duty as the Archangel of Death and Angel of Illumination. May your soul be punished in Hell for its evil deeds mortal." Jungkook swung his hand forward, piercing the skin of the woman's chest, followed by the sounds of ribs breaking, flesh cut, groans and the sound of a heartbeat stopping, the flaming sword absorbed the soul and released it, automatically it faded and he was sure the mortal was dead in the depths of Hell.

"NO! What have you done?!" Jimin landed on his knees, approaching the body of the woman he loved.

"She's dead. I did my job," Jungkook replied.

"You broke the sacred law! She was pre... No– No. No..." Jimin's hands began glowing as he searched for the woman's stomach but before Jungkook could say anything, he crouched in pain. The flaming sword immediately flew out of his hand, upwards to the sky and the clouds darkened.

"Treason. You've committed treason against the High Law of the Heavens. Your title as Archangel of Death and Angel of Illumination will be stripped from you. You'll be cursed to roam the Earth to think about your sin and your wings will fall black until whatever spark of light in your heart will crumble in the darkness as your soul, fallen angel."

"She's not!" Jungkook shouted, hands holding you falling cold.

"To save Hyun Ae's child, a miracle was performed. Soo Jin is her descendant as well as Y/N." Namjoon explained as he glanced back at your mother with a tender gaze. 

"You had sex with Jimin's great great what not granddaughter? You committed a sin? You–"

"ENOUGH!" Jimin shouted, "You were the one who killed her, that was a sin. Don't call Soo Jin or Y/N a mistake. If it weren't for her, you would still be living the dead life without sharing her heartbeat." 

It wouldn't make sense to you about how the angel with lemonade pink hair was your ancestor.

 "Jungkook-ah... Are you calling me a mistake?" Your limps felt heavy like rocks. You didn't know why but the stare in the demon's eyes portrayed something you couldn't decipher.

"No, you're not."

The demon held you tight in his arms and before he could move another muscle, your body disappeared from his hold. The starting coldness of his body was no longer felt against yours. In the blink of an eye, your consciousness slipped and the silhouettes of the males around you, including your mother, became just another blurry picture.

"Y/N! No! Give her back!!"

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