Chapter 18: Until the Next Rainfall

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Taehyung's eyes were now focused on Min Yoongi and Jungkook, it felt like a thousand kilos were lifted off his back

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Taehyung's eyes were now focused on Min Yoongi and Jungkook, it felt like a thousand kilos were lifted off his back. Every century spent on the Earth to consume souls was just about to end and he was going to be able to live in the place where he grew up and worked; a very much missed paradise.

"Home?" Jungkook whispered and shifted his eyes to yours as if you could read him with one glance. "What about... Y/N? Only souls are able to pass through the gates. She's not dead."

You could feel the worry inside the demon's heart and mind. A jolt of reality crashed down the demon's spine and his hand searched for yours while his eyes trailed off to Namjoon's authoritative gaze on both of you.

"She's still half angel and can pass, but we're not going to bring her with us. She'll have to wait back at her home for either of you to return. My word is final." The commanding tone of the High Archangel approached closer to your side while the hold of your intertwined fingers with Jungkook's tighten to reassure you and comfort you.

Everything was going to be all right. Jungkook was going to be granted pardon alongside Yoongi and Taehyung, and as much as it hurt, you had to understand that matters with celestial beings were not to be messed with.

"I'm proud to have you as my daughter. Bless your soul and may the Holy Spirit bring you good fortune. Farewell, my precious. I..." Those words were so kind towards your heart and his fatherly voice forced your emotions to surface again. The father figure you've never had had just blessed your life yet he was saying goodbye. You wanted more of him in your life as a parent but your wish wasn't granted.

"I love you, my little Y/N," Namjoon whispered those last words before the blinding lights of the sky forced his shadow to fade from your peripheral vision along with his presence.

You clung onto Jungkook's hand tightly with bewildered expressions. How could they just leave like that? Everyone suddenly vanished in the light; everyone except the firm hand holding yours.

"Jungkook," you instantly called out as soon as you came to be when the blinding lights ceased to damage your eyes. Your surroundings were completely different from before, and the vibe of comfort dwelled upon your soul.

You were inside the living room of your house and Jungkook was still holding your hand while your mother stood in the middle of the kitchen flinching at another sudden act of celestial teleportation.

"He's just as handsome and kind... Why, Namjoon-ah?" your mother questioned.

She leaned her hands above the counter in front of her for support to find the strength inside her body to cope with a closed scar slowly opening with a wave of sorrow surfacing above her heart.

"I will automatically be teleported once you let go of my hand. Don't fear it." Jungkook calmly ascended his free hand to cup your cheeks. Inside of himself, he could feel the change slowly begin to untangle the chains restricting his soul even though he was to face the final judgment soon.

"I don't fear it. I fear I will never see you again if I let go." You leaned into his warmth while voicing out those emotions of worry clouded in affection.

"Didn't you see how Seokjin hyung is able to live months on Earth? We can work this out. I will never leave you."

You curled your lips while thinking the most selfish request you've ever thought of from your perspective. The need to voice it out loud was scary. In the end, you couldn't. You couldn't ask him to stay.

"I can't take you with me, but I promise you this. I'll return by the time of the next rainfall. Summon Hoseok hyung if you desperately need something. He's your guardian angel."

Then he left as your hold on him loosened.

His silhouette faded into the light as did his reassuring smile but you knew he was also scared, you felt him within your shared heartbeat. You didn't know when it was that your legs gave up on you, nor when your mother's hands began to embrace you. All you felt was how the kind demon's heartbeat began to slow pace and how his words still echoed in your thoughts.

How could his words sound like a farewell?

How could he just leave like that?

How could they all leave without a trace?

Would he really be back by the next rainfall?

Every second that ticked by was a reminder that you had separation anxiety from the demon that saved you as you did to him.

Your mother helped you get up from kneeling down and guided you back to your room. The four walls felt foreign as did the touch of your bed covers. Not only had you lost touch with your dad but couldn't see the man who shared your heart. Were you pathetic for crying over this even after Jungkook reassured you of your next meeting? It wasn't some teenage love that drove your tears down.

It was the belief in your love to be true as destiny that let them flow down like pearls on an ocean.

Hopeful of his pardon, you did something you hadn't done in a very long time.

You prayed.

"Lord Almighty, please, grant pardon to Jungkook. Please, allow him to gain his soul and title back."

Hopeful, you closed your eyes and chanted it like a mantra.

This wasn't a dream, but reality.

Two days later, the droptles of rain fell on your window as you catched up on your studies.

But there wasn't a sign of him.

The rain began to pour.

Your hopeful eyes stared at the sky.

You felt your heart beat at its normal pace.

But there wasn't any sight of him.

He hadn't returned.

The months passed by but Jungkook never returned.

You refused to acknowledge how "until the next rainfall" was his farewell.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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