Chapter 6: Tell Me Something

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Two friends sat on a white long couch, glasses of Champagne in their hands and a long conversation was exchanged between them

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Two friends sat on a white long couch, glasses of Champagne in their hands and a long conversation was exchanged between them. They were in the residence of the oldest one, Kim Seokjin. The doctor was having some quality time with a friend that had come visit him from afar. He wore a yellow sweater and long grey sweatpants along with grey socks as he sat across from the male.

The other male was laughing at the events the doctor had told him. His laugh was soft, yet a little high pitched for a male, and his body was well sculpted and the formal white clothing he wore added an angelic vibe; he had more defined muscles than the doctor seeing how the white slacks were tightly attacked to his thighs. As he laughed, the male's lemonade-pink hair rolled back while his eyes almost closed in crescent form; such a beautiful sight. 

"Even now? How do you escape them everyday? I can barely have a nice walk around the street without being chased." The male's laughter turned into giggles, laughing at how Seokjin told him that the nurses at the hospital chase after him every day.

"Yeah! The other day I had to make my presence invisible and there was this one time I used it as an excuse to meet– Right. Jimin, there's one other thing I need to consult with you." Seokjin's lips formed a straight line as soon as he mentioned the other's name.

Park Jimin was the other male sitting across from the doctor, and apart from their deceiving physical appearances they were both celestial beings -angels. Curiosity crawled the best it could on the younger's face as he waited for Seokjin's next words. 

"Have you ever encountered a human with a pure soul?" the doctor asked, choosing his words carefully in the silence engulfed room and he awaited for a reaction and answer from Jimin. 

The other furrowed his eyebrows, he thought the older male was joking but judging from the serious expression he wore, it was serious. "No, I thought the only beings with pure souls were celestials like us." The lemonade-pink haired male scratched his chin in thought when he answered but it soon was replaced with a surprised expression.

"Seokjin hyung, have you?!" Jimin suddenly asked loudly and the other male slowly nodded.

"I've been thinking about it and... there's this patient at the hospital that I've had my eye on ever since her arrival but I can't get close to her because of..." the doctor sighed and glanced up from his glass of champagne to meet eyes with the younger. "Jungkook is back, and he's set on consuming her soul. I can't get past her without being smelt by him, so I can only watch from afar but I don't think Jungkook will kill her."

Jimin felt a shiver run down his spine, he felt threatened when the name Jungkook rolled off the doctor's tongue and a state of uneasiness slowly crawled in his body. He had a past with the demon, one would not dare ask the angel because judging from his expression, it would not be pleasing in anyway to know what bad blood was spilt.

"Why don't you think so?" Jimin spoke lowly, the grip he held on the glass of champagne tightening as veins slowly started to pop in his white skin.

"Jimin, Can demons fall in love?" Seokjin finally said after a long silence and the grip Jimin had on the glass tightened too much to the verge of a crystal shattering noise echoing on the room followed by the champagne spilling onto the younger's clothing.


Like a butterfly fluttering its wings, you slowly blinked your eyes twice and gulped when you met the dark wine eyes of Jeon Jungkook. You gathered small a small bit of courage to speak your thoughts, "Are you ready to lose?" You lost yourself in the dark red iris of the demon's eyes but he shook his head with a sharp gaze. 

"Not even in your dreams." He looked down at his hands and smirked when he saw your hand quickly heading in direction of the cards in a pile form. 


Your two voices mixed in the air as soon as you had dropped your blue '7' card on top of the pile. Though, your voice was overpowered by the demon's, you proudly giggled when you saw how he rolled his eyes before looking down at the three pair of cards in his hand. He clicked his tongue and bit the inside of his cheek in thought as to how he could assemble his thoughts and guess the color of the last card in your hands before he could turn the game into his favor.

He wasn't going to cheat, he was just going to distract you before playing his cards; he concluded. "Y/N, Tell me something, did you have a good sleep last night?" he asked while glancing at his cards in hand but quickly glanced up when he heard how the beating of your heart increased and your hands flinched. 

"No, but don't worry. I just had a nightmare. It wasn't real." You raised the corner of your lips in a small smile revealing one small dimple on your right cheek and another slightly bigger one on your left cheek.

"I change it to red," the demon grinned as he dropped a wild card on top of the pile full of cards; but his grin was overpowered by a frown. 

"What kind of dream?" he curiously asked, but soon stayed silent when he saw how your face portrayed fear. Like a switching on a lightbulb, Jungkook's first instinct to do when he saw how terrified you were, was to drop his cards and gently place his hands on top of your own. Despite the coldness of his hands, for the first time you found the hands of the demon warmer than before and you slowly looked up to meet his eyes.

"It's okay, nothing bad will happen to you when I'm here." Jungkook's words were soft, for a demon, he was surely being gentle; his goals were starting to get conflicted with each second he spent closer to you. "You can talk to me, I can listen." The demon felt how nervousness of your body was slowly calming down. 

"It was about my parents, I've never met my father... but in my dream, when I was about to meet him, I just felt my body completely paralyzed inside my dream. I couldn't move my hands, speak, it felt a-as if the life was being sucked out of me. A-And when I woke up..." Your eyes clouded with transparent tears as you stuttered. Taking a small pause before looking into the dark wine eyes of the demon, you felt comfort losing yourself in them, even if he was an enigma. You wanted to say how you felt his presence when you woke up in the middle of the night; as if he was beside you that night, and how you felt protected when you thought you saw his pair of dark wine eyes in the hospital room regardless of how creepy and horrifying it sounded, but you didn't tell him, more like you couldn't.

"N-Never mind, forget it." You slowly looked away from his gaze and heard him hum soon followed by the warmth you felt from his hands turn into ice cold and so he retracted his hands when he noticed how your hands were slightly trembling–feeling cold–under his touch.

"You win. I dropped my cards." Jungkook began to clean up the mixed up cards, feeling as if he should let you gain victory for this round, because deep down, he was starting to hate how your face displayed sadness.

"I told you I'd win~" Your sad-looking face was now starting to brighten with laughter once again. Now this is where Jungkook's "emotions" deep down say that even though he wanted to eat your soul, at the moment, he found himself deeply attached to you as you sat beside him in the bed while he sat in a chair organizing the Uno cards placed on the bed's table. For you, it can be said the same, you found yourself longing to join all the puzzle pieces together into figuring out the enigma that is Jeon Jungkook and now your heart was slowly beating with a new emotion surging and forming with each passing day.

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