Chapter 9: Fear Me

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"I'm the man you saved

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"I'm the man you saved. I'm him; you saved a demon."

His words echoed like a never-ending song on repeat in your ears. You didn't want to believe his words, but how could you not? His crimson bloody red eyes were staring down at you. Watching how his wine red eyes had brightened, you felt a sudden shiver run down your shoulders. Were you afraid? In a way, his eyes were looking at you like he was going to eat you, but as weird as it sounds, you couldn't deny it, you felt safe in his arms. 

"A-A demon?" You stuttered, your lips were dry and no saliva was forming in your mouth as you were astonished.

"A demon," he paused before you saw his bright crimson pupils dilate, you couldn't tear your gaze away from them not realizing the closeness between your faces. "I would've survived that accident but you interfered." Jungkook's voice was low, he didn't want you to fear him, he was telling you what you sought even if he was risking the whole weeks he took care of you. Not wanting to see your saddened expression was hard, but he had to tell you, because if he didn't, he would certainly lose you and you were the only person who's made his frozen heart beat again throughout all the thousand years he's spent on Earth. "You're just a human yet, why does your soul always stay pure. You're always optimistic, you're always thinking of others first, you're always..."

Jungkook blinked his eyes and the crimson that brightened in the iris of them reflected an emotion. You lost yourself in his eyes feeling yours watering making them glimmer, your hands moved and the files fell to the floor when your hands slowly rose in direction of the demon's face. 

"I-I saved you?"

Soft and mellow. Your voice was like the softness of a baby's body and it helped Jungkook relax. The demon's cheek twitched slightly as your hands were closer to it, the empowering emotions taking over your body. Jungkook slowly nodded, his crimson eyes burned to the back of your mind, the red didn't seem scary at all for you, it was weird seeing his eyes so bright, but it complimented him you thought.

"I saved you." You repeated but instead of a question, you affirmed it in a statement for it to kick-in inside your brain. Your hands caressed the demon's cheeks feeling how the cold skin warmed down. 

"Why don't you fear me?" Jungkook asked lowly, his face giving into your soft touches, liking the way your hands caressed his cheeks. 

"Because you're still Jungkook, the doctor who took care of me... wait... are you even a real doctor?" The position you were in forgotten, his left hand digging fingers against the pillow beside your head began to make it's way to your jawline, grazing against your skin with warmth.

 "I graduated from med school in 1974, though I ate the professor's soul along with the other classmates throughout the years."

Not knowing how to respond to the confession, you gulped and nodded your head while biting your lower lip; his answer was dark. The rosy lip pressed by your teeth never left the demon's sight, it was captured in his crimson eyes. You continued brushing your hand with benigness against his cheeks as his fingers slowly began to tug down the skin below your lips. 

"Why is your soul pure even in your darkest moments?" Jungkook found himself tugging down your lip with his thumb, your smooth skin a little cold yet his hand emitted warmth. 

"I don't know." You answered, feeling how his fingers gently traced down your lower lip. His actions weren't uncomfortable, they were nice. The demon was taking care of you and you never reflected hesitation or fear in any of your actions, and Jungkook felt another heartbeat within his chest.

"Y/N, Why don't you fear me? Fear me. I've killed endless people throughout my existence, but never once had one of them not feared me. I wanted to take your sweet pure soul but you still don't care. Stop being such an optimistic person!" he paused before blinking his eyes and his touch now seemed ice cold, but you couldn't find it in yourself to stop caressing his cheeks. "Y/N, Fear me!" Jungkook's nose twitched as his eyes continued brightening but instead of the bright crimson, the red turned to a bright wine red. He parted his lips and his white bunny teeth could reveal his pair of white long fangs to make himself intimidating in your eyes. As he exhaled, your face felt it, his mouth leaned closer to your face wanting to intoxicate himself in your addictive scent; yet you shook your head.

"Then take my soul. If that will make you happy, take it. I saved you once, if this will save you again, take it."

You were sure, this feeling that's been hovering over your heart was growing stronger despite the many differences and reveals. Jungkook inhaled loudly and stared into your eyes, his parted lips almost reaching your chin. 

"Y/N, I don't understand you. . ." He softly tugged down your lower lip revealing the rosy gums between your white teeth.

"You don't have to. Just take it. It's going to save you isn't it? Take it. I'm not going to fear you." Almost in a whisper, your parted lips felt the touch of his fingers and you closed your eyes, completely giving yourself to the demon. Nothing flashed in your mind, not a memory of your mother, not a memory of a friend, not the memory of Doctor Seokjin, all that was present in your mind was Jungkook and everything went blank as you heard a low growl from above you.

"You're so stupid."

The demon's long white fangs almost reached your neck as his head tilt to the side. He closed his eyes; his breathing fanning over the skin of your neck. The fast-paced rhythm of your heartbeat attacking his earlobes and inviting him as his nostrils were intoxicated with your scent of vanilla and magnolia. 

"Maybe I am, but at least, you'll be saved. Right, Jungkook-ah?" There, you said his name with your mellow voice, and the skin of your neck were pressed by the sharp long white fangs of the demon. Jungkook pressed his fangs against your neck, ready to slice open the skin in seconds, when he felt another heartbeat in his chest. This heartbeat was different from others, it was loud and it vibrated in his chest, as if blood pumped through his veins. 

I can't do this.

The demon's fangs slowly retracted from your neck and he leaned back to gaze into your closed eyes. 

"Do you trust me?" he whispered as his left thumb softly trailed your bottom lip and tugged it downwards once again while you nodded your head.

"I trust you."

Your eyes were still closed as you let out soft exhales through your nostrils and your hands that cupped the demon's cheeks slowly warmed up. It was unexpected when Jungkook found himself leaning down to try something new and unknown. His lips hovering above your parted lips, before you felt the warm surface of them capturing your upper lip between them. In such action, your head leaned back into the pillow as your eyes were still closed, the fast beating of your heart now mixing with another heartbeat emitted from the demon's chest. Locking lips with the demon proved to you that you were starting to fall for the man hovering over you and even without feeling your legs, your toes curled in reflex.

Strange indeed.

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