Chapter 14: Two Unknown Angels

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If a fine stranger saved a human from harm, how could the touch of their fingers sparkle in something extraordinary? A fallen angel couldn't comprehend the meaning behind the sparkle, but he stared  as he tried solving the conundrum

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If a fine stranger saved a human from harm, how could the touch of their fingers sparkle in something extraordinary? A fallen angel couldn't comprehend the meaning behind the sparkle, but he stared  as he tried solving the conundrum. He couldn't come up with anything as he stared at the two, and before he could react to the unexpected stranger saving his prey from harm, he found himself alone; the two disappeared into thin air. "

Damn angel." Kim Taehyung growled with crimson red eyes screaming for a soul.




As the darkness of the night engulfed the bleak hallways of Soogyeom High School, the steps of a dark figure interrupted the silence. There were none, no students bickering in the classrooms, the halls, even in the courtyard the silence was excruciating. The empty halls filled with the presence of a ghostly vibe. A dark shadow was cast upon the door of one classroom. The figure had an awfully stoic frozen posture and darkness crept up its face except for the pair of bright crimson color that covered the figure's iris.

Those bright crimson eyes were cautiously observing the inside of the classroom, the ball of red occasionally moving around as it captured the inside of the classroom. There was a pause in the figure's red eye, the piercing gaze was suddenly caught upon the sight of a picture in a bulletin board decorated with flowers and letters. 

"Park Y/N."  A man's voice, low and deep yet cold, barely above a whisper, "I've found you."


With a ding! the elevator doors slid open and the mint haired demon stepped out with a playful smirk never attempting to leave his lips. Dark wine red eyes tempted to flare up in crimson at the temptation of dying humans all over the hospital but clearly unbothered by the situation, he continued walking in direction of your room. 

"They must know better than to summon me through the call of my name," the demon chuckled and finally spotted the raven haired demon outside of your hospital room.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook's eyes flared up in bright crimson the moment he saw Taehyung approaching him with a chuckle. He knew the other demon was still a threat to you, and after what happened during his last appearance, he's had his guard on its fullest. 

"Looks like Y/N said my name. Once you make eye contact with a demon and say his name, he's be forced to show his presence upon you. Did you forget that, little Jungkook?"

"Don't call me little Jungkook."

The raven haired rolled his eyes and guarded the door to your room. 

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