Chapter 13: Mother's Memory

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Some say when angels sing, love falls upon a human but when angels cry, a human stopped loving

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Some say when angels sing, love falls upon a human but when angels cry, a human stopped loving. For demons, it was different. When a demon sings, a human's soul is shaken and when demons cry, the unexpected happens. For all the times Jungkook's shed a single tear for you, the unexpected unleashed. In the raven-haired demon's case, the unexpected was the now shared heartbeat between the both of you. In someone else's point of view, it should be a sin falling in love with a creature of evil, but in your eyes, you couldn't see it; Jungkook completely seized a space in your soul.

You've only known him for a span of one week and a half, but there wasn't a single drop hesitation in the way you felt. He was your savior, as were you, in his eyes and life; a bond bound to last.

With his help, the progress of your recovery advanced. Two weeks after the "incident" of Seokjin and Taehyung you were slowly able to feel the press of a hand against your shins but still weren't able to move your legs; that bit was a little disappointing. At the moment, your mother and you were talking in your hospital room. She was laying beside you on your bed while your head was resting against her right shoulder. The yellow blouse she wore reminded you of sunflowers and daisies, a similar fragrance of her sweet mature perfume. 

"Mom?" She hummed and traced her fingers on your bare arms.

Ever since Taehyung confused you with your mother, you've been contemplating whether he knew your mother. In fact, you knew something was being hidden from you, and there wasn't anything that would keep you from finding out what it was, or so you were thinking at the moment. So you weren't going to mention angels and demons at the moment, you would just mention the other demon's name, hoping he wouldn't suddenly appear through the hospital's door. 

"Does the name Taehyung sound familiar?" You asked, hoping for an affirmative response. She tensed when the name rolled off your tongue so easily. Her hand tracing invisible lines on your arm stiffened and it was as if she lost the color of her cheeks.

"Don't speak it!" Her stiffened hand swiftly retracted to cover your sealed lips from speaking any further. "Where did you hear that name? Did you see him? Did h–" Her calm demeanor was broken in an instance like the flip of a switch turning on a light bulb. 

"No, don't worry." A soft lie was spoken from your closed lips as you shook your head. You didn't need to push the conversation forward as she was clearly uncomfortable.

"Good..." she sighed and glanced out at the window to look up at the clouded sky. "Don't say his name again. Baby, I'm sorry, I just get nervous." She glanced back into your eyes and frees your lips from her palm. Confusion clearly written in your face because of her actions but you prevented yourself from taking a step forward. "He was a friend of your father's." After a moment of silence, she started. You listened to her words, paying attention to the shocking revelation. That was the first time your mother mentioned your father ever since you were a little three year old girl. And now she mentioned that the demon you previously met was a friend of him, it made your heartbeat speed up in anxiety and anticipation.

"Was, as in they weren't friends when I met him." Her eyes looked distant, a sense of nostalgia flashing through her thoughts like a jump start of electricity. "I know I've never mentioned your father, but now that you brought this conversation... I should tell you." Nothing could take away a mother's love for her offspring and the same undying love that was reflected in her eyes for you, you felt it as she began stroking your scalp with benign. 

The answers to your questions would be finally revealed for the first time and your heart shook with anxiety. Knowing the truth could influence your life, your mother smiled kindly and began speaking with the same nostalgia she had felt earlier, only this time you could see it in her eyes; they sparkled, she was still in love. 

"Your father was an extraordinary man; a pure enigma. He was everything I'd ever wanted; a real angel. I first met him when I finished law school and was in search of a job."

You listened intently, somehow you could feel your body relax as she told you about your father.

"After I had my first interview, I was headed home to my apartment -at that time- when I accidentally bumped into... that man you first mentioned. I instantly felt attracted to his gaze -very dark almost scarlet eyes... but when I realized my mistake it was too late. Before I could comprehend my situation, I was dragged to an alleyway without the power of escaping. Just when everything was about to turn black, your father made an appearance. Like a guardian angel, he protected me. Since then, we got to know each other briefly for a few months until... I came to realize that I was carrying you in my womb." Her eyes glimmered when she gazed into yours, the transmitted love filled your heart with warmness, but there was a part of you that shook from an unknown anxiety.

"After I found out, I told him... but it was forbidden. We couldn't be together because the–"

"Y/N–" The door of the hospital room opened and there appeared the demon-doctor with a worried gaze and dark crimson eyes. "–What's wrong..." His voice seemed to fade when he saw you in your mother's embrace and nothing dangerous was threatening you. 

"Doctor Jeon?" Soo Jin's tone broke the demon's trance and he bowed his head apologizing.

 "I'm sorry. I thought something was wrong with Y/N," he answered, feeling the heart beating within his chest begin to calm down with your presence. He ran over seven pair of stairs at maximum speed worried over the unsettling and nerve-wrecking feeling that shook his heart over a few minutes prior.

"I'm okay," you reassured him, mouthing a silent Thank you before he slowly nodded and gave the room one last glance. 

"I'll be outside, call me if you need me." Jungkook closed the door and stared at the end of the hall where he smelt someone peculiar. Iris dreading to blood, he analyzed the situation while keeping an ear on the conversation you were having with your mother.

"Y/N, Do you believe in the existence of angels and demons?" There wasn't a hint of a jester in her words, instead they were firm and serious. You were take aback, the pounding of your heart momentarily stopped and your eyeballs froze. It was nerve-wrecking, she could see right through you because of your reaction. "I didn't... until I met your father."

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