Chapter 4: Warm Compliments

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An eruption of giggles and laughter echoed on the lighted hospital halls; eliminating some of the bleak atmosphere hovering above them

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An eruption of giggles and laughter echoed on the lighted hospital halls; eliminating some of the bleak atmosphere hovering above them. Gladly, at the moment no nurse was seen in sight, neither doctors or patients which made the demon smirk. He's able to do as he pleases. He was gripping tightly onto the push-handles of the wheelchair as he was running; making it seem like he was driving a sports car.

He wore his navy blue sweater along with his black slacks, black timberlands -which he had just bought at a store after jumping off the tree this morning- and to top it all he wore his doctor's white coat. For once in a hundred years he found himself smiling as he heard the laughter from you as you were sitting below him on the wheelchair. Besides laughing, you made the sounds of an engine too along with the demon.

You were smiling and you were having fun with Jungkook. Sometimes you would turn your head to see him and meet his pale yet marked Adam's apple and sharp jawline as he was facing forward careful he didn't collide against anything or anyone. Jungkook had helped you dress in a white-red stripped long sleeved shirt, a pair of black leggings and a pair of white ankle high converse. No drip was connected to your hand. At the moment, you were enjoying the thrills of doing something you weren't supposed to do, which was Jungkook running as he guided you in through the wheelchair in the middle of the hospital hallway just for fun.

"That was so much fun!" you exclaimed as soon as you arrived at the entrance of the hospital's garden, sunlight radiating through the sky and upon them as they exited through the automatic doors.

The demon laughed and pushed the handles forward until you were in front of a bench at the other side of the garden. White lilies were mixed between the bushes full of green leafs behind them which made you appreciate the sight. Jungkook pulled the brake on the wheelchair and he sat on the bench facing you, he began to stare at you unconsciously and caused your cheeks to flush pink. Seeing how Jungkook had a few small beads of sweat formed on his forehead, you leaned forward to clean them with your sleeves, after all, he had ran towards here pushing you on the wheelchair. That small action made the demon's body stiffen, he was taken by surprise when he felt your benign hands brush against his forehead .

The action had his pupils dilate and for just one second, his wine dark eyes brightened to crimson but just for one second. Your actions caught him off-guard and he lost control for a second. He blinked his eyes and faced away from you. You retracted your hand as fast as lightning, once it had made contact with the demon's forehead. You felt the coldness and you could have sworn that you saw his eyes change to a bright blood red but when you saw again, they were back to their usual dark color and he had shifted his gaze away from you. 

"S-Sorry, you had a drop sweat," you stuttered as you began to massage your hand to somehow add heat to it. The demon kept his gaze focused on the small sunset yellow butterfly fluttering its wings above a green bush of leafs just a few feet apart from the both of you.

Jungkook nodded silently and said no word. The laughter somehow forgotten between them except from your mind. In your thoughts, you were still laughing while making sounds resembling those of a car's engine. "Vroom! Vroom!" You giggled while moving your closed hands wrists up and down to get the attention of the raven-haired doctor in front of you and you succeeded. Jungkook's dark wine eyes were now gazing up at you. He unconsciously smiled at your actions, just a small smile where the ends of his rosy lips curled. 

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