Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

The next day...

I got up on my bed and do all my morning routines. When I finished doing all of my morning routines and then I go to the school. I am very excited to see Mingrui. While I am walking Mingrui called me.

"Hey (Y/n)!"-Mingrui

"Uhm h-hey Mingrui!"-me

My heart beats fast whenever I see him.

"Can we go together at our class since we're classmates?"-Mingrui

"Oh yes sure!"-me

And then we walk to class. While we are walking, he hold my hand. I blushed.

Mingrui's POV

While me and (Y/n) are walking, I saw my crush Shen. I immediately hold (Y/n)'s hand. I can see that Shen is jealous when I hold (Y/n)'s hand. I smirk secretly. When I look at (Y/n), I see her blushing. Eww!!! I immediately let go of her hand. I can see in her eyes that she's shock but I don't care. After a few minutes of walking we arrive at the classroom.

(Y/n)'s POV

Mingrui immediately let go of my hand. I am shocked but I didn't say anything because I know Mingrui didn't mean to hold my hand. I don't know.

>>Time skip<<

After class, I pack all my things. It was lunch time. When I am finished packing I see Mingrui standing at the door. Smiling at me.

"Hey! Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"-Mingrui

"Oh yeah sure!"-me

We go together at the canteen and we sit with his friends. When I get to know their names, their names are Hanyu, Zihao, Xinlong and Shuyang.(Btw guys Zeyu is not in the story yet. He will have a special character for (Y/n).)

"So are you dating Mingrui?"-Shuyang

"No we are not dating."-me

"Oh! You look good together."-Zihao

"Yeah I think Mingrui likes you."-Xinlong

"Xinlong ge!"-Mingrui

I laughed at them. Mingrui looks at me and smile. And we just talked about random things.

>>Time skip<<
(Lol sorry for so much skipping.)

It's time to go home. I am packing all my things when Mingrui came to me.

"(Y/n) can I walk you home again?"-Mingrui

"Oh yes sure!"-me

I packed all of my things. When I am done packing Mingrui walked me home. While we are walking Mingrui tell me something that made me shocked.

"Uhm (Y/n) I have something to tell you."-Mingrui

"What is it?"-me

"I like you!"-Mingrui

I can't say anything, I am so shocked and happy because my crush likes me too.

"I-I like you too Mingrui!"-me


I nodded and smiled.

"So (Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"-Mingrui

"Yes yes yes!!!"-me

I scream and hug him.

"So, see you tomorrow (Y/n)!"-Mingrui

And then he wink at me and walk away. I am very happy that he is my boyfriend now.

No one's POV

(Y/n) is very happy that Mingrui asked her to be his girlfriend. But what she didn't know that Mingrui is just playing her heart and make his crush Shen to be jealous.


I update again. So yeah I immediately make Mingrui asked (Y/n) to be her girlfriend because I have a plan for this now. The girl named Shem actually just came it to my mind and enter her in the story. So yeah thanks for reading my story. Don't forget to follow, vote and comment what you think.


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