Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

>>1 week later<<

It's been 1 week since me and Mingrui started dating. At first he is so sweet to me and always wanted to be with me every second. But after 4 days, I feel Mingrui being cold to me and I feel that he doesn't want to be with me. Well maybe he is too busy just like me because you know we are classmates. While we are sitting in the class, I talked to Mingrui.

"Uhm Mingrui?"-me


I got surprised because it looks like he's annoyed on something.

"Do you wanna go eat lunch with me together later?"-me

"No! I have other plans, maybe next time."-Mingrui


I want to cry, his been so cold towards me. I don't know what's his problem. Sometimes he is getting mad at me but I am the one who always understands him.

>>Time skip<<

It's lunch time now. I am eating with my friend Jane, we didn't eat together since when me and Mingrui started dating. While me and Jane talk about random things, she said something to me.

"Hey, is that Mingrui's friends? Where is Mingrui? He's not with them. Strange! He always hang out with them even you're with him."-Jane

I looked at the direction where Jane is looking at. And she's right, Mingrui is not there.

"I'll talk to you later. I have to asked them where Mingrui is."-me

Jane nods. I approach his friends.

"Hey guys!"-me

"Oh hai (Y/n)!"-all

"Where is Mingrui?"-me

"Uhm he's in the back of the school."-Shuyang

"Well thanks for telling, I have to go."-me

"No wait! Don't go there (Y/n). You won't like what you're about to see there."-Zihao

"What?! Is he hiding something from me?!"-me

"No it's..."-Hanyu

I ran away and go to the back of the school. They follow me, when I get to the back of school I am very shocked for what I see. I see Mingrui kissing with another girl. I want to cry but I hold it back.

"What the f*ck Mingrui!"-me

He look at me. Shocked. I ran away trying not to cry. He chases after me and grabbed my hand. I turn around and slap him.

"Why are you cheating on me Mingrui?! I thought you love me?! Did I do something wrong?! Tell me Mingrui TELL ME!"-me

He just laughed at me.

"Hahahaha you think that I really love you?! Guess what, we're over. And you wanna know the reason why I've asked you out because I just want to get Shen jealous and love me. Do you think that I will love an ugly piece of sh*t like you? Hahaha you are just nothing to me."-Mingrui

All of the people who are watching us just laughed. My tears are now streaming down on my face. I can't believe that he just played my heart. I know that he is a playboy. But I thought when we get together he will changed that playboy thing attitude but I was wrong. I ran away and go to the female's restroom and cry.

>>Time skip: After school<<

I go to my room and I see my aunt cooking.

"Oh hey (Y/n) you're here. How's your school?"-aunt

"Oh it's okay aunt. I just need to go rest, I'm too tired today."-me

I fake smile to my aunt and go to my room upstairs. When I get there I cry again. I decided to open my instagram account and dm him, but I see a bunch of dm's from the Shen girl.

>>Dm between you and Shen<<

Shen: Hey bitch!!!

Shen: You're an idiot!!!

Shen: You think Mingrui will love an ugly girl like you?

Shen: You're a slut, he will never love you.

Shen: Respond bitch!!!

Shen: I will make sure to destroy you.

You blocked Shen on Instagram.

I blocked Shen on Instagram because I don't wanna fight tonight. I wanted to cry all night. I cry again for what Mingrui did to me and he called me UGLY PIECE OF SH*T. I go to the mirror and look at myself, I am not ugly, but I can't tell that I'm pretty. I wiped my tears with my thumb. From now on I will hate Mingrui forever.


So yeah that's it, (Y/n) hates Mingrui now. So in the chapter 5 Mingrui will start hating (Y/n) too. Gosh why did I tell, yeah yeah anyways thanks for reading this, vote, comment and follow me na rin.


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