Chapter 17

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Zeyu's POV

I am already here at the park and waiting for (Y/n) to arrive. After a few minutes, she finally arrived.

"Ok Zeyu, what do you want to tell me?"-me

I got nervous again. Do I really want to confess? I'm afraid she'll reject me. Here it goes.

"Uhm, (Y/n)! I just wanted to say that I like you a lot."-Zeyu

I can see that (Y/n) started to blush.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Uhm, (Y/n)! I just wanted to say that I like you a lot."-Zeyu

I started to blush. Zeyu is waiting for my answer.

"I-I like you too. Since from the day we met. I like you because you are very kind."-me

Zeyu blushed and smile widely.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"-Zeyu

I nodded and smile. Zeyu hug me and twirl me around.

"I'm so happy that you are my girlfriend now. I promise that I will never leave you and take care of you."-Zeyu

I smile at him and we spent time together. Zeyu gave me an idea for the project.

>>Long Time Skip: Monday<<

Mingrui's POV

I am walking at the hallway of the school. I am excited to see (Y/n). I sat at my table and waited for her in the classroom.

>>After a few minutes<<

(Y/n) arrived with Zeyu again. But holding hands. I feel hurt on what I am seeing right now. Are they dating? After a few minutes, our Science teacher arrived.

"Good morning class!"-teacher

"Good morning ma'am, and god bless!"-all

And then we sat down

"Ok class, before I start the lesson. I just wanted to remind all of you that next week is the deadline of your projects. So I hope you all of you start doing your projects."-teacher

I asked (Y/n).

"(Y/n)? Do you have an idea for our project now?"-me

"Yes, my Zeyu help me."-me

"My Zeyu? Are they really dating? I hope not."

I thought to myself.

"Oh, can you tell him thank you for me?"-me

"Ok I will!"-(Y/n)

>>Time skip: Lunch time<<

I pack all of my things. I wait for (Y/n) outside. After a few minutes Zeyu and (Y/n) are walking out while holding hands. I feel like crying right now because of what I'm seeing.

"Uhm (Y/n) can we go have a meeting for our project so I can buy our materials later."-me

"No Mingrui it's okay! Me and Zeyu are going to buy our materials later. I will just inform you when we are going to do our project."-me

I slowly nodded. And then they walk away. I am left here standing and looking at them blankly.

"Why are they together?"

I thought to myself. I decided to go to the canteen and sit with the boys.

>>At the canteen<<

When I arrived in the canteen, I see the boys with Zeyu and (Y/n) laughing. I walk towards them.

"Hey guys!"-me

I said and then I sat down.

"Hey Mingrui!"-all except (Y/n)

"What's your topic today?"-me

"Oh, we are just congratulating Zeyu and (Y/n)."-Hanyu

I feel nervous all of a sudden.

"For what?"-me

"Zeyu and (Y/n) are dating."-Xinlong

My jaw dropped when I heard that.

"T-they are d-dating n-now?"-me

"Yes! Why are you stuttering?"-Shuyang

"Nothing! Will you excuse me? I just have to go somewhere."-me

"Ok!"-all except me

I get out of the canteen and go to the men's restroom. Luckily there's no one in there. I sat on the floor and cry.

"Why you choose Zeyu over me (Y/n)?"-me

I said to myself while crying.

"Cause you are stupid Mingrui. You let her go because of Shen and Zeyu is always there for her and now you want to cry?"-my mind

"I'm sorry (Y/n) I love you so much. I regret it. Don't leave me like this (Y/n). I want you, please be mine."-me

>>After a few hours<<

I decided to skip class because my eyes are so red from crying now. I will just wait for the time to go home so I can continue to cry at my house. I get my phone in my bag and look at (Y/n)'s picture. I kiss her photo while crying. Luckily there's no one still here so I will just continue crying in here.


So I will just stop this chapter in here😅 I hope you like it and don't forget to vote, comment and follow me😅 Thanks for reading everyone😊


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