Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s POV

Zeyu called me.

Me: Hello?
Zeyu: Hello (Y/n)? Are you okay now? Hanyu ge told me that you are drunk last night. So I wanted to ask if your ok now.
Me: Thanks for asking! Yes I'm okay, I just had a hangover hehe!
Zeyu: Next time, don't let yourself drink with those girls, especially if I'm not around. You'll get harrass by boys that you don't know.
Me: Ok I wont do it again. Thanks for the concern.
Zeyu: Your welcome! By the way, I have idea for our project even we aren't partners. I want to help you to your project with Mingrui.
Me: Aww thank you so much! You're so sweet!
Zeyu: You're welcome! Just for you my girl.

I can feel my cheeks blushed.

Zeyu: And I also wanted to tell you something. Meet me at the park later.
Me: Ok! Bye!
Zeyu: Bye!

Zeyu's POV

So yes I'm gonna help (Y/n) with the idea for the project and Mingrui even though I don't want Mingrui to be her partner. And I am going to confess to (Y/n). I really like her since from the start. I should start heading at the park. I have to take a bath first.

Mingrui's POV

After I'm done taking a bath. I took my phone and sat at my window. I remember what Ericka and what   (Y/n) said to me last night.

Flashback... (Last night)

"Ericka why did you give her an alcohol. You know she doesn't know how to drink alcohol."-me

"Oh we just give her alcohol because she just want to forget you. And don't you know? She still loves you that's why she wants to forget you. That's why we give her alcohol so she can forget you."-Ericka

I rolled my eyes at the 3 of them. I look at (Y/n) and her head is laying on the table sleeping. I carry her.

"I will never let her hang out with you again girls ever again."-me

"Why? Is she your girlfriend? Do you still love her?"-Ericka

I didn't talk and carry (Y/n) back to our table. While I am walking, I heard (Y/n) speak.

"Mingrui *hiccup* I still *hiccup* love you."-(Y/n)

When I heard what she said, my heart started beating so fast.

"Y-you're just drunk."-me

"No! *hiccup* I swear, *hiccup* I still love you. *hiccup* Why did you play my heart? *hiccup* I am really heart broken."-(Y/n)

I didn't talk. I am speechless.

"I love you Mingrui!"-(Y/n)

And then she kiss my cheeks. I frozed and my heart beats more faster.

End of Flashback...

I smile when I remember that. She still loves me. I touch my cheeks, I started blushing when I remember that she kissed my cheeks last night. I backread on our convo earlier. She is clueless in the meaning of 143244. Well the meaning of that is I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE. I just type it on number so she wouldn't know. I day dream about me and (Y/n) in the future.


Boring update but I hope you love it. Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. And sorry if I put a video up there. It's just my trip to put it hehe.


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