Chapter 14

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>>Time skip<<

(Y/n)'s POV

So yeah, tonight we are having a birthday party here at school for the principal. Since I'm still in my uniform, cause I spend my whole time in the library, I decided to walk home and change into black pants and black shirt that says "The Man".(Becky Lynch T-shirt wow!). After changing I go back to school, my mother gave me 200¥.

>>At the school: Auditorium<<

I arrived in the school. I saw Mingrui with Boy Story. He look at me but I immediately look away. I decided to call Zeyu.

Me: Hello Zeyu?
Zeyu: Hello (Y/n)?
Me: Why are you absent earlier?
Zeyu: Because of the emergency here in our house. I'm sorry!
Me: No it's okay! Don't need to say sorry. By the way our principal is having a birthday party here tonight at the auditorium.
Me: Oh I see! Ok (Y/n), gotta go!
(Y/n): Ok bye!

I then ended the call. I sat in the chair alone when Hanyu approached me.

"Hai (Y/n)!"-Hanyu

"Hai Hanyu!"-me

"Can you sit with us there?"-Hanyu

I look at their table and I see Mingrui looking at us. I death glare at him.

"Oh sure!"-me

Since Hanyu is nice to me I will just accept his offer to sit with them even if I don't want to. I sat next to Zihao. I can feel that Mingrui is looking at me but I didn't bother looking at him. After a few minutes, 3 girls walk towards our table.

"Hai girl, I'm Ericka and this is my friends Sonya and Janna."-Ericka

They wave at me. I waved back.

"Do you want to go in our table and hang out with us?"-Ericka


I look at Hanyu if it's okay and he nodded. I smile at them and walk with the girls towards their table.

>>At their table<<

We chit chat for awhile. Actually they are pretty bratty.

"So (Y/n)... Mingrui is your ex boyfriend right?"-Ericka

"Yes, why?"-me

"Do you still love him?"-Sonya

"Uhm... actually yes but I don't want to fool myself to him again."-me

"You want to forget Mingrui?"-Janna

I nodded at her. And then Ericka handed me a glass of alcohol.

"What's this?"-me

"Silly that's alcohol. Drink that, you will forget all of the sad memories between you and Mingrui."-Ericka


"Come on give it a try. It will make you forget the embarrassing moments in your life."-Janna

And then they cheer for me.

"Ok (Y/n) you can do this."

I drink the alcohol. I caught at first, I don't want to drink more but Ericka and her friends keep refilling the glass of alcohol.

>>A few minutes later<<

Mingrui's POV

I am having a great time tonight with my friends. We are talking about some random things. While we are laughing, Shuyang's aura changed and his voice started to sound serious.

"Guys, (Y/n) is with Ericka and her friends right?"-Shuyang

"Yeah, why?"-Hanyu

"Look at her, it looks like (Y/n) is drunk."-Shuyang

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