Chapter 10

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No one's POV

While the teacher is discussing about their lesson in Science, Mingrui raised his hand.

"Yes Mingrui?"-teacher

"Ma'am can I go to the restroom please?"-Mingrui

"Ok sure go ahead!"-mam

Mingrui stand up and headed to the restroom. The teacher continued to discuss.

"Ok guys, you are having a project in twos. I am going to choose who will be your partner."-teacher

The teacher wrote at the board all of the partner list.

Zeyu and (*insert random name*)
Mingrui and (Y/n)

(Y/n)'s POV

So Mingrui is my partner? Why Mingrui and not Zeyu? I wanted Zeyu to be my partner. No choice, we have to work for the project.

Mingrui's POV

I came back to the classroom. I see the board with the partner list for the project. I see that (Y/n) is going to be my partner. My heart was so happy that I am her partner and not Zeyu. Maybe I can get (Y/n) back after all of this. I go to my seat behind Zeyu.

>>Time skip<<

It's time to eat lunch. I see (Y/n) packing her things up. This time I want to offer her to join us at lunch. I was about to walk towards her when Zeyu starts talking to her.

"(Y/n), can you go eat with us at lunch?"-Zeyu

"Sorry Zeyu, I have to go to the library to find a book for the project so I can get an idea. Maybe tomorrow or next time?"-(Y/n)

Hahaha sucker!😂 Thank god (Y/n) is not going with Zeyu at lunch. But she is not going to eat her lunch. I'll just buy her a food so she won't starve herself.

"Oh is that so? See you later then."-Zeyu

Zeyu winked at (Y/n). (Y/n) just smile at Zeyu. But I can see that she's blushing. Ugh I wanted to punch Zeyu's face and take (Y/n) away from him. Zeyu starts heading out of the room. Thank god he's gone. (Y/n) starts heading out of the room too. I get out of the classroom and buy a sandwich and water at the canteen.

(Y/n)'s POV

I go to the library. I signed at the log in book at the library and find a book. I see the book that I am looking for. I am trying to get it but it's too high. Why am I so small? Aish, I get a chair and I climb. But I still can't get it it's too high. I am trying to get it when suddenly the chair is started shaking and then I fell. I close my eyes and wait for my body to drop on the floor. I felt a pair of hands on my back. I look at the person who catch me and it's Mingrui AGAIN? But this time his face is so close to my face. We stay in that position for 4 minutes. I feel my cheeks turns red. I quickly pull away.

"T-thank you!"-me

"I-it's okay! What book are you trying to get there?"-Mingrui

I pointed at the book that I need for our project.

"That one!"-me

"Let me get it for you."-Mingrui (Imagine that Mingrui is taller than you.)

Mingrui stars reaching for the book. Why is he being so nice to me lately? He gave me the book that I need.

"Thank you!"-me

And then I headed to a table and sat down. I started to search for a good idea about our project. Mingrui sat next to me.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you going to eat lunch with Boy Story?"-me

"No I don't want because Zeyu is there?"-Mingrui

"Why do you hate Zeyu? He is a good guy."-me

"It's just a secret why I hate him and I also want to help with the idea for our project too."-Mingrui

"Ok good then!"-me

While we are searching for our project Mingrui gave me a sandwich and a bottle of water.

"What is this?"-me

"Lol it's a sandwich and a water."-Mingrui

"Seriously? I mean why did you buy me these?"-me

"Chill I'm just joking. I buy you a food so you woudn't get hungry."-Mingrui

"But what about you? Have you already eat your lunch?"-me

"No, but I'm okay! Just take this please!"-Mingrui

"Ok fine I'll take it."-me

Woah! What is happening to him? I though he hates me? Why is he acting nice lately to me?

"I think it's just a peace offering. You know, for what he did when we fought."

I thought to myself. We just continue to look for ideas for our project.


So this is my update for tonight. I hope you like it. Anyways thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. Thank you and luv ya all readers😉


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