Chapter 20

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(Probably this chapter will be all Mingrui's POV... I guess?)

>>Day Skip<<

Mingrui's POV

I woke up in bed. When I woke up, I do all my morning routine. After doing all my morning routine, I go to school. Today is my last day at school. While I am walking, I saw Hanyu ge and the others with (Y/n). I walk towards them.


They all greeted me back.

"What are you doing?"-me

"Nothing, we are just making a plan for what to do later at the fair. Wanna come?"-Hanyu


"It's my last day today so I have to spent time with them."

I said to myself.

>>Time skip: At the fair<< (Sorry I'm very lazy)

We are all having fun at the fair. I can see at the corner of my eye that (Y/n) is looking at me.

(Y/n)'s POV

We are all having fun here in the fair. I felt strange from Mingrui. He look really happy like it's his last day in the world.

"Hey guys, let's take a ride at the roller coaster."-Zihao

"What? No, that ride will just give me a heart attack."-Xinlong

"Oh come on ge, if you don't want to go with us then I will call you gay."-Shuyang

"Ok fine!"-Xinlong

We go and take a ride at the roller coaster. When we get in the roller coaster, I saw that each seats are only available for two. I sat at the roller coaster. Zeyu was about to sat down next to me but Shuyang drag him and sat Zeyu next to him. Mingrui sat next to me. I didn't talk to Mingrui. But something is telling me there is something wrong but I don't know what it is. Our roller coaster ride started and I enjoy the ride so much.


I look at the corner of my eye and I see Mingrui looking at me and smiling. I just ignore him and continue to enjoy this ride.

Mingrui's POV

I am smiling at (Y/n) while she's enjoying herself at the roller coaster. She is screaming like crazy. She is so pretty and cute. It was sad that this is the last time I will see her. After the ride, we go at the shooting game thing. We all play except for Xinlong ge and Zeyu because they said they don't know how to play the game. So we play the game. (Y/n) is trying to shoot the small ball but she can't shoot it.

"Ugh how to shoot this? I can't shoot it."-(Y/n)

I came towards her.

"Hey (Y/n)!"-me

She look at me and give me a cold stare.

"What do you want?"-(Y/n)

"I see that you want to shoot the small ball so bad."-me

"Yeah, I am trying to get that big blue teddy bear."-(Y/n)

I smile at her.

"I can teach you if you want."-me

"Ok go!"-(Y/n)

She give me her gun.

"Ok watch this!"-me

I started shooting the small ball. I hit the small ball. The owner of the shooting game ask me what price I want.

"Uhm that big blue teddy bear."-me

He give me the big blue teddy bear. I smile and thank him. I look at (Y/n) and handed the big blue bear that she wants.

"This is for you (Y/n). I get that bear for you and I wanted to say sorry for what I've done. Accept it please?"-me

(Y/n) take the big blue bear.

"Thank you!"-(Y/n)

And then we continue to have fun in the fair.

>>Time skip<< (Sorry if it's getting bored. I forgot my ideas because I enjoy watching WWE so much.)

(Y/n)'s POV

It's now 7:10 pm. We all start heading home. Zeyu walk me home as always. When we are in front of our house, Zeyu keep looking at the bear that Mingrui gave me. I smile at Zeyu.

"Aww I know you're jealous Zeyu. Don't be jealous my love, this is just his peace offering for all what he did to me."-me

"You sure?"-Zeyu


Zeyu smiled at me sweetly.

"Good! I love you (Y/n) and good night."-Zeyu

"Aww your the sweetest guy I've known in my whole life. I love you too and good night."-me

And then Zeyu walk away. I go inside of my house. My mom is not home since she is gone for a one whole month. I go to my room and place the big blue bear in the bed that Mingrui gave me and go to the bathroom and shower. After showering, I put my night clothes. I sit on my bed. I touch the bear that Mingrui gave me. I smile and then I lay down to sleep.


Ok here's my update for tonight. Wooh pasukan na bukas kainis. I hope you like this chapter. Next chapter will be the last chapter of this story and then the end. Wala na finish na sa next chapter. Btw I think I will do a face reveal on my birthday on June 11. K that's all bye thanks for reading. *run away*😅 (Sorry abnormal eh)


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