Chapter 11

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Mingrui's POV

While we are searching in the book, I keep looking at (Y/n). She is done eating her lunch by the way. She is pretty. (Y/n) look at me and I quickly look away. My face is so red from embarrassment.

"Mingrui, I see you, you keep looking at me. Why? Is there a dirt on my face that you keep looking at?"-(Y/n)

"No, there's no dirt in your face. You are just cute."-me

Wait what? Why did I say that?

"Huh? Well thank you. But I remember the last time you said to me that I am just a PIECE OF SH*T."-(Y/n)


And then the bell rang.

"Oh it's time for the 1st period for the afternoon. We gotta start heading to the class."-(Y/n)

"Yes let's go!"-me

We got up from our seat and go to our 1st period.

>>Time skip: After class<<

(Y/n) is packing her things up. Zeyu is packing his things too but I don't really care. Since he got here in this class, he's always been with (Y/n) and I hate it. I go outside of the room and wait for (Y/n). You know just to offer her to walk her home. (Y/n) got out of the room but with Zeyu.

"Ugh with Zeyu again."

I angrily thought to myself.

"(Y/n) can I walk you home?"-me

"Sorry but Zeyu is walking me home."-(Y/n)

"Oh ok!"-me

And then they walk away. I was left here standing like an idiot. I decided to follow them secretly.

(Y/n)'s POV

While me and Zeyu are walking, Zeyu's phone rang.

"I will just answer this ok? Wait for me."-Zeyu

I nodded at him. I wait for him until he got back.

"(Y/n) sorry! I can't walk you home because there's an emergency on our house."-Zeyu

"What happen?"-me

"I'll tell you tomorrow."-Zeyu

I nodded at him.

"It's okay if I walk alone. Emergency is more important than walking me home. You can go now. Good bye!"-me

"Good bye!"-Zeyu

Then he ran away. I hope everything is okay. I am out of the school and currently walking at the streets when someone called my name from behind. I look who is it. It's Mingrui.

"What do you want?"-me

"I'm gonna walk you home?"-Mingrui

I just look at him.

"Why are you being nice to me now?"-me

"Oh uhm, just a..."-Mingrui

"I'm fine, you can go home now."-me

I was about to continue walking when he grab my hand. I look at his hand that was holding my hand.

"Please, it's not safe because you are a girl."-Mingrui

"Ugh ok fine!"-me

He smile when I say that and then we started walking home. I didn't realize that he is still holding my hand.

"Uhm Mingrui, you are already walking me home. You can let go of my hand now."-me

He hesitated to let go of my hand at first, but he still let go.

Mingrui's POV

I am holding (Y/n)'s hand while walking to her house. Oh I miss walking her home. I am so happy that I am holding her hand.

"Uhm Mingrui, you are already walking me home. You can let go of my hand now."-(Y/n)

I hesitated to let go of her hand. I feel really sad that she doesn't want me to hold her hand anymore. I remember the moment when she still loves me.


While me and (Y/n) are walking, I saw my crush Shen. I immediately hold (Y/n)'s hand. I can see that Shen is jealous when I hold (Y/n)'s hand. I smirk secretly. When I look at (Y/n), I see her blushing.

End of flashback...

I miss holding (Y/n)'s had.

"If I didn't play her heart at that time and learn myself to love her, maybe we're still together. Now I regret for what I've done to her."

I thought to myself.

"I'm home! Thanks for walking me home."-(Y/n)

I look at her house.

"Is this your new house?"-me

"Yes! Thanks for walking me home. Good bye!"-(Y/n)

And then she go inside of their house. I feel really sad now. She didn't even smile at me like she always does before. I walk away.


Ok so this is my update today. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading guys. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me😊


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