Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

>>The next day<<

I get up on the bed and do all my morning routine, after doing all my morning routine I go to the school. While I'm walking to the school, I see Mingrui with Shen.

"Hey bitch look at this!"-Shen

And then she kissed Mingrui in front of me. I laughed at them.

"Wow Shen, you call me slut but what are you doing? Kissing Mingrui in front of the world? Hahaha so you are the slut here not me."-me

I walked away with a smirk on my face. Shen's jaw dropped after what I've said that she's the one who's slut here. All people laughed at Shen. Jane is waiting for me in the classroom. I sat on my seat, while I'm sitting on my seat, Mingrui arrived and sit next to me. He gave me a piece of paper. I read it.

"Hey bitch!"

I got mad.

"Hey Mingrui!"-me

Mingrui look at me and I throw the paper at his face. He's surprised.

"What the! Shen is right about you, you are a bitch!!!"-Mingrui

I grabbed Mingrui by the collar.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Yes I'm a bitch so if you don't want to see my bitchy side you better shut your freaking mouth. You don't know me Mingrui."-me

And then I let go of his collar.

Mingrui's POV

I got scared when (Y/n) grabbed me by the collar.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Yes I'm a bitch so if you don't want to see my bitchy side you better shut your freaking mouth. You don't know me Mingrui."-(Y/n)

I didn't say anything. To be honest yes I don't want to get on her bitchy side.

>>Time skip<<

While we are in the canteen with my friends, they asked me about (Y/n).

"So Mingrui how are you with (Y/n) when you guys are on class?"-Hanyu

I don't want to tell them that (Y/n) grabbed me by collar and got scared at her so I say...

"It's ok we are not talking to each other."-me

"Oh ok!"-Hanyu

"I've heard there is a new student here in the school. He is going to be in the same class with you. We got to be friends with that guy."-Zihao

"Oh ok!"-me

>>Time skip<<

(Y/n)'s POV

After eating lunch, I go to our classroom. We wait for the teacher to arrive. We stand up and greeted her.

"Good morning Mrs. (T/n)!"-all

"Good morning class! Today you have a new classmate. Come here boy and introduce yourself."-teacher

The boy walked inside and introduce himself. He is really cute.

"Hello my classmates my name is..."


Who do you think it is guys? You have to guess it before going to another chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment❤


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