Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

>>The next day<<

I get up and do all of my morning routines. After doing all of my morning routines I go to the school.

>>At the school<<

While I am walking in the hallway, I see Zeyu hanging out with Mingrui's friends A.K.A Boy Story. Zeyu saw me and quickly smiled.

"Hai (Y/n), are you going to our class?"-Zeyu

"Uhm yeah?"-me

"Let's go together."-Zeyu

"Sure let's go!"-me

We both go to our class.

Zeyu's POV

I'm actually kinda starting to like (Y/n) even I just met her yesterday. I mean she is very kind and pretty cute. I was walking when suddenly a boy called me.

"Psst! Hey, you are the new student right?"-unknown


"I am Jia Hanyu, and these are my friends, Li Zihao, He Xinlong and Ren Shuyang, you know the other one, Gou Mingrui, he is also our friend."-Hanyu

"Oh, I am Yu Zeyu!"-me

We shake our hands together.

"So wanna hang out later at lunch?"-Hanyu

"Sure, but what about (Y/n)?"-me

"Oh looks like someone is having a crush on (Y/n)."-Shuyang

"No I don't! I just... I mean, she is my friend."-me

I started blushing.

"Ayiee you are blushing. You like (Y/n)."-Zihao

"Ok fine! Yes, I like her."-me


And then we talked about random things. While we are talking I saw (Y/n) looking at us. I smiled at her, she smiled back.

"It's (Y/n), I gotta go!"-me

"Oh you just want to walk with her in her class."-Xinlong

"Xinlong we are classmates."-me

"Oh really? Hahaha!"-Xinlong

I rolled my eyes and say good bye to them.

"Hai (Y/n), are you going to our class?"-me

"Uhm yeah?"-(Y/n)

"Let's go together."-me

"Sure let's go!"-(Y/n)

We both head to our class. When we arrived at the class, I saw Mingrui death glaring at me. What is his problem? I didn't do anything wrong to him. We go to our seats and we sat down since I am sitting next to (Y/n). While the teacher is discussing, I keep looking at (Y/n). She is so beautiful. I feel Mingrui's feet kick my foot. What is his problem?

>>Time skip<<

It was lunch time now, I see Boy Story waiting for me outside. Of course Mingrui is there too. I wait for (Y/n) to finish packing and then we get out of the classroom together. She got confused when she saw Boy Story.

"What are they still doing here?"-(Y/n)

"We are going to eat lunch with them."-me

"With that jerk over there?"-(Y/n)

She pointed her finger towards Mingrui. Oh, so she hates Mingrui.


"No thanks!"-(Y/n)

"Just let that UGLY PIECE OF SH*T there do whatever she wants!"-Mingrui

"Oh I am an ugly piece of sh*t? Then I will call you a big dumbass jerk."-(Y/n)


"What? Are you hard of hearing? I said you're a BIG DUMBASS JERK."-(Y/n)

"Ok ok stop it! *looks at Mingrui* Mingrui stop it she's just a girl."-Hanyu

"So what? I can punch her in the face."-Mingrui

"Punch me then I will beat you."-(Y/n)

I go to (Y/n) and hold her hand.

"You're a slut!"-Mingrui

(Y/n) suddenly slap Mingrui's face.

"Call me slut or whatever, at least it's not true and at least I am not a BIG DUMBASS JERK like you."-(Y/n)

"Guys stop it!"-Zihao

(Y/n) walk out.

"You shouldn't say that to her Mingrui."-Hanyu

"I'm sorry, I will follow her."-me

I follow her. She goes to the back of school under the tree.


She look at me. She is crying. I approached her.

"Are you ok?"-me

"No, I'm not!"-(Y/n)

"Why do you hate Mingrui?"-me

"Because he is a jerk. He play with me."-(Y/n)

"Play with you? How?"-me

"I have a crush on him at the first day of school. After 1 day he started being sweet to me. I know that he is a playboy but I thought when I become his girlfriend he will change for me. But I was wrong. He just played my heart. He did that to me because he just want to get Shen jealous. I hate him so much."-(Y/n)

And then she cry again. I hug her. I kinda feel bad for her. She loves Mingrui so much and he just played her heart.

"It's ok! Don't cry! You don't deserve to cry for him."-me

Mingrui's POV

"You shouldn't say that to her Mingrui."-Hanyu

"I'm sorry, I will follow her."-Zeyu

(Y/n) walk out. Zeyu followed her.

"Why did you say that? That's mean!"-Zihao

"Well I actually hate her for saying that I am a big dumbass jerk."-me

"You're a boy Mingrui, you shouldn't say that to a girl."-Xinlong

"You should say sorry."-Shuyang

"What?! No way!"-me

"You hurt her feelings with your words you should say sorry. If you don't say sorry to her we are not going to talk to you anymore."-Hanyu

"Ok fine!"-me

I followed (Y/n). Honestly I kinda feel bad for what I said to her. I didn't mean to say that to her. It's just, I can't forget the day that she slap me and grabbing me by the collar of my harshly. I go to the back of the school. I saw her behind the tree. I was about to approach her when I saw Zeyu hugging her. I am kinda hurt for what I see.

"Nah it's not that I like her, I just kinda feel bad for her for what I said."

I go back to the boys.

"So did you say sorry?"-Hanyu

"Zeyu is there hugging and comforting her already."-me

I said with a sad tone.

"Are you jealous? It looks like you're hurt when you saw them hugging."-Shuyang

"No I'm not. I have Shen in my life ok? Why would I be jealous? Let's just go to canteen."-me

And then we go to the canteen.


So I hope you like this update. Thanks for reading, vote, comment and follow me too😊


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