Chapter 1

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(Y/n) POV

So, I just move here in Beijing China in my aunt's house. My mom want me to move here. I don't know why she wants me to move here. And also I am going to study here. Today is Friday and my aunt already enrolled me and she said I just have to go at the Principal's office and ask.


It was Monday today and I get ready for school. Damn I am not excited for school and I'm very nervous. What if no one wants to be friends with me? I was thinking of what could happen to me in the school when my aunt called me.

"(Y/n) come on down your gonna be late on school."-aunt


I walk down and got hop on her car and we go to school.


A/N:What would happen to (Y/n) on school?Find out.

P.S:I'm not good at writing stories but I want to try to write.And one more thing I am not good at english so expect that it has a wrong grammar.Ok that's all kamsahamnida😊


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