Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s POV

I am walking in the school hallway crying. After Shen say that Mingrui just used me to make her love him back? It hurts. I'm still hurt! Yes I still love Mingrui but I don't want to make myself stupid because of him. All of the memories came back.


I ran away and go to the back of the school. They follow me, when I get to the back of school I am very shocked for what I see. I see Mingrui kissing with another girl. I want to cry but I hold it back.

"What the f*ck Mingrui!"-me

He look at me. Shocked. I ran away trying not to cry. He chases after me and grabbed my hand. I turn around and slap him.

"Why are you cheating on me Mingrui?! I thought you love me?! Did I do something wrong?! Tell me Mingrui TELL ME!"-me

He just laughed at me.

"Hahahaha you think that I really love you?! Guess what, we're over. And you wanna know the reason why I've asked you out because I just want to get Shen jealous and love me. Do you think that I will love an ugly piece of sh*t like you? Hahaha you are just nothing to me."-Mingrui

All of the people who are watching us just laughed. My tears are now streaming down on my face. I can't believe that he just played my heart. I know that he is a playboy. But I thought when we get together he will changed that playboy thing attitude but I was wrong. I ran away and go to the female's restroom and cry.

End of flashback...

I still remember that and it hurts. Other students are looking at me now because I am crying. I feel someone grab my hand.

"(Y/n) are you okay? Why are you crying? I'm sorry if Shen is hurting you because of me. But don't worry I'll be here to protect you from Shen."-Mingrui

"Ugh can you please stop pretending that you care about me? I already know you Mingrui, you can't fool me now."-me

"No I'm not fooling you around! I'm serious!"-Mingrui

"Serious your face!"-me

Then Hanyu and the others came to our direction.

"Hai Mingrui, Zeyu is absent today cause- (Y/n) why are you crying?"-Hanyu

I didn't answer him. I'll just take my hand from Mingrui harshly and ran away again.

Mingrui's POV

(Y/n) just ran away again. I think he is really angry with me.

"What happen to her? Mingrui did you do or say something not too nice to her again?"-Hanyu

"I didn't do anything to her ge!"-me

"You sure?"-Hanyu

"Yes I swear!"-me

"Let's follow her!"-Shuyang

We look her, but we can't find her. Where did she go or hide? She is not in the back of the school either.

"Let's just go to our class!"-Xinlong

We go to our own classes. When I arrived, I see (Y/n) sitting at the classroom. She death glared at me.

"Ugh this is all your fault Shen."

I thought to myself. I go to my seat behind her. I can see that Zeyu is absent. After a few seconds, the teacher has arrived.

"Good morning class!"-teacher

"Good morning ma'am!"-all

"Ok before I start the lesson I have something important to announce to all of you. Tonight, our principal is having a birthday party. Our janitor here in school are going to start decorating the auditorium and she want all of you to come."-teacher

My classmates starts to cheer and then class started.


Ok this is my update for today. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading!💋 Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me😃


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