Chapter 21 - Last Chapter

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>>The next day<<

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up and do all my as always my routine and get ready for school. After doing it all blah blah blah, I go to school.

>>At the school<<

While I am walking to the school, I saw Hanyu and the rest running towards me without Mingrui? Why Mingrui is not with them? I just shrug it off. I smile at them.

"Hey (Y/n)!"-all


I wanted to ask where Mingrui is but I don't want to. They will think that I like Mingrui.

"Let's go to our class (Y/n)!"-Zeyu

Zeyu and I go to our class and wait for our teacher. The teacher arrived and the class started. While the teacher is discussing, I can't get Mingrui out of my mind. I keep thinking him, I don't know why.

>>Time skip<< (Sorry for skipping✌)

It's time for lunch. Zeyu and I go to the canteen together and sat with Hanyu and the others as always. While we are all talking and eating, a grade 7 student approached me.

"Hey! Are you (Y/n) (YL/n)?"-grade 7 student

"Yes, why?"-me

"Mingrui ge wants to give this letter to you."-grade 7 student

She handed me the letter and I take it. The 5 boys look at me. I open the letter and read it.

Dear (Y/n),

Hey (Y/n), it's me Mingrui. I hope you won't throw this letter on the trash. I just wanted to say that I'm going to leave you. I will go to Japan to see my father. And maybe we are going to live there. I wanted to say sorry for hurting your feelings when you still love me. I regret letting you go. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I am going to the airport at 11am. My flight is 2 in the afternoon. And I wanted to say for the last time... I love you (Y/n). I will always love you even we are far away from each other. Good bye (Y/n) and I love you.❤


After I read the letter. I feel sad that he is leaving. I didn't even realize that my tears are now streaming down on my face. Zeyu and the others notice me.

"(Y/n), what is it? What did you read at the letter?"-Zihao

Shuyang walk towards me and read the letter. I just let him read the letter and I just cried.

"What was his letter say?"-Xinlong

"Mingrui is leaving."-Shuyang

Zeyu just hug me.

"Do you still love Mingrui?"-Zeyu

I look at him. I don't want to answer him. I don't want to say that I still love him cuz I don't want to hurt him. I didn't answer his question.

"It's ok (Y/n)! I know you still love him. I will let you go for him and I want you to be happy always. Let's go and stop Mingrui for leaving."-Zeyu

We got up from the table and we ran to the school gates. When we are in the school gates we get out of the school and ran. We saw a taxi, we immediately stop the taxi. When the taxi stopped, we hopped in.

>>Time skip: 12:40 pm<<

We arrived at the airport. We saw workers in there. We go to the girl who was dressed in a flight attendant uniform.

"Uhm miss, where is the waiting area of flight to Japan?"-me (I honestly don't know what I'm saying right now.)

"Do you have a passport miss?"-flight attendant

"No I don't have miss but I need to see someone."-me

"Sorry miss we can't. We need your passport."-flight attendant

I look at Hanyu. I have a plan.

"Psst hey Hanyu, since you are all attractive. Can you maybe flirt with the flight attendant?"-me


Hanyu talk the others about the plan and they agreed. They started to flirt with the flight attendant. When they got the flight attendant's attention, I immediately ran and find the flight to Japan waiting area. I finally found it. I saw Mingrui sitting at the waiting area with his mom. I shouted his name.


He look at me. He's shocked when he saw me. He ran towards me and hug me.

"Mingrui, I'm sorry! I still love you. Please don't leave me. Zeyu and I already broke up for you. Please don't leave me."-me

He smile at me.

"Now that you are here. I will never leave you, and I'm sorry for what I've done. I already regret it."-Mingrui

"It's ok Mingrui! The important thing is that I love you."-me

"Oh I didn't know you love me that much that you even ran here just to stop me. Now I know how much you love me."-me

He smirk at me.

"Ugh I hate you!"-me

"I love you hahaha!"-Mingrui

He hug me and kiss my forehead.

"Yiee sweet you are both finally back together."-unknown

I look who was it and it's Hanyu and the rest. They are clapping. So they are done flirting with the flight attendant. We both just laugh at them.

"I wish I find a girl like (Y/n)."-Xinlong

"You can find a girl like me someday too."-me

Zeyu is looking at me and smiling. He walk towards me and hug me.

"I'm so happy for you (Y/n)!"-Zeyu

"Thank you so much Zeyu!"-me

"No problem!"-me

Someone grab me away from Zeyu.

"Hey you can't hug him or either one of them or any other boys. You are just mine."-Mingrui

Aww he is jealous. Me and Zeyu just laughed at him.

"You are so cute Ming when you're jealous. Ok I'm not going to hug other boys again."-me

His mom approached us.

"Mingrui we are gonna be... who is she?"-Mingrui's mom

"She is my future wife mom!"-Mingrui

I rolled my eyes to Mingrui.

"Oh hai I am Mingrui's mom!"-Mingrui's mom

"Hai Miss Gou I am (Y/n)!"-me

"Nice to meet you (Y/n)!"-Mingrui's mom

"Nice to meet you too Miss Gou!"-me

"Mom I can't go to Japan now. Please let me stay here in China."-Mingrui

"Ok, I will let you stay here but promise me you are going to take care of yourself and be responsible."-Mingrui's mom

"Ok mom!"-Mingrui

Mingrui's mom left us. Mingrui hold my hand.

"Let's go home babe!"-Mingrui

Mingrui and I walk out of the airport and go home at our own houses of course. Mingrui and I got back together but this time he is now more better and we both already planned our future.

-The End-


Ok this is the last chapter. I know it's so ugly but I hope you like it. Thanks for reading everyone. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will do a face reveal tomorrow. K bye😊

P.S: I am planning to make a book 2 but I don't know how. Can you give me ideas?


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