Chapter 2

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(Y/n) POV

I arrived at the school and I go to principal's office.(Btw you and Mingrui are Grade 10 student here. I know he is Grade 7 but it's just for story.)

"Hai good morning Miss Principal! I am (Y/n) (YL/n). I am the new student here and I don't know where class I am going to."-me

"Oh hi (Y/n)! Common follow me and I'll show you where your class is."-principal

And then we walk and go to my new classroom. The principal talks to the teacher and after a while she talk to me again.

"So (Y/n) you are from 3rd section. I hope you have a nice day in here."-principal

"Thank you Miss Principal! Same to you."-me

After that our principal walk away and my teacher let me in on our classroom.

"So class this is your new classmate (Y/n) (YL/n). Ms. (YL/n), please introduce yourself."-teacher

"Hello guys, I am (Y/n) (YL/n), I am 15 years old. I hope we can all get along."-me

"Ok Miss (YL/n), you are going to sit next to Mingrui."-teacher

The teacher point that Mingrui guy to me. I got zone out. He's so damn freakin' handsome. What would it be like if he is my boyfriend?

Wow (Y/n) boyfriend immediately? Get to know him first. Ugh but he's very handsome and I think I got LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

I thought to myself. My teacher snaps out of my thought.

"Ms. (Y/n), I said you can sit down next to Mingrui."-teacher

"Oh yeah sorry ma'am!"-me

"What are you thinking?"-teacher

"Uhm nothing ma'am!"-me

I smile and go to the chair next to Mingrui. And then the class started. So our first subject is English. Our teacher starts discussing. First day of school I can't focus to the discussion because I keep looking at Mingrui. Until he looks back. I quickly look away, I could feel that he is smirking.

>>Time Skip<<

After the class, it's finally recess time. I packed all my things. While I am packing I look at Mingrui who's walking out of the classroom.

"Mingrui is handsome and cute right?"-unknown

I heard a girl's voice from behind. I look at her.

"Hai, I am Jane! Nice to meet you."-Jane

She said while smiling. I smile too.

"Hai Jane, I am (Y/n)! Uhm nice to meet you too."-me

"Can we go together at the canteen?"-Jane

"Sure let's go!"-me

We both go to the canteen.


While me and Jane are eating. I see Mingrui with 4 boys. I look at him. He looks back. I quickly look away, but this time I am blushing so hard.

Mingrui's POV

This girl is so weird. She keeps looking at me since class. I talk to Hanyu ge.

"Hanyu ge, that girl keeps looking at me since when class started and I kinda hate it."-me

Hanyu ge laughed.

"Maybe she likes you."-Hanyu

"Hahaha eww, if she likes me. Well I don't like her, I like Shen."-me

"Hahaha but Shen doesn't like you because you are a playboy."-Hanyu

"Hmm maybe I can use (Y/n) to get Shen jealous and likes me back. I know Shen likes me."-me

"Hey don't tell me you are going to play with her heart?"-Hanyu

"Exactly! And I am going to start today."-me

"Ok well good luck! I hope you get Shen jealous of you with (Y/n)."-Hanyu

"Ok thank you!"-me

>>Time Skip<<

(Y/n)'s POV

I pack all of my things when surprisingly Mingrui called me from behind. I turn around. Gosh he is so f*ckin' handsome.

"Y-yes Mingrui?"-me

"Nothing! Can I walk you home?"-Mingrui

"Sure yes of course!!!"-me

I smile. After that, I packed all my things and then he walk me home. Gosh I got so many butterflies in my stomach. We just talk about random stuff until we arrived to my house.

"Stop here. I'm home, thanks for walking me home."-me

"You're welcome! Nice meeting you cutie."-Mingrui

And then he smiled. I blushed.

"Ok see you tomorrow."-me

Before he goes away, he kiss my cheeks. I blushed so hard.


And then he walk away. I quickly go inside the house and tell to my aunt that I'm home. And then I quickly go upstairs to my room and jump around because Mingrui just kiss me and called me cute.

Mingrui's POV

It seems like my plan is working. I called Hanyu ge.

"Bro, guess what! My plan is working to make (Y/n) fall for me."-me

"Oh? Then that's great."-Hanyu

"Yeah! When I kiss her in the cheeks she blushed so hard. You are right she likes me."-me

"I told you!"-Hanyu

After my conversation with Hanyu ge I hang up the call and go home.


I know I am so lame at writing stories but I will update it better. I am just thinking ideas about this story. Welp thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow me😊


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