Chapter 6

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hello my classmates my name is Yu Zeyu. I am your new classmate. I hope we can all be friends."-Zeyu

So his name is Zeyu. He is really cute.

"Mingrui, can you please move? Zeyu is going to sit with (Y/n)."-teacher

Woah! He is going sit next to me? Mingrui moved away with annoyed face. What is his problem? Well who cares? Zeyu sat next to me. He smile to me. Gosh his smile is so cute.

"Hai I'm (Y/n) (YL/n)!"-me

"Oh hai (Y/n), nice to meet you!"-Zeyu

"Nice to meet you too Zeyu!"-me

We shake hands. I blushed. His hands are so soft.

Mingrui's POV

So yeah we have a new classmate and he is Yu Zeyu. I am so pissed because my teacher asked me to move on other seat. I don't know why but I'm very pissed that Zeyu will sit with (Y/n) in the class and I really hate it.

>>Time skip<<

Finally it's lunch time. (Y/n) is packing up her things and Zeyu too. I walk out of the room. I hear Zeyu talking. I immediately listen to them.

"Uhm (Y/n), since you are the only person that I've known here, can we go eat lunch together?"-Zeyu

"Sure, I will just text Jane."-(Y/n)

Oh so they are going to eat lunch together. When they are going out of the room I quickly ran to the canteen. After a few minutes, I saw (Y/n) and Zeyu walking in, talking and laughing. I punch the table.

"Mingrui? What's the matter?"-Xinlong

"Nothing, I'm just not in the mood."-me

I look at the other table where (Y/n), Zeyu and Jane laughing together.

"(Y/n), you and Zeyu look perfect for each other."-Jane

They both laughed. (Y/n) accidentally look at me. I quicky look away.

"Eww, (Y/n) and Zeyu is not perfect for each other."

I thought to myself. I want to get out of here.

"Uhm guys, I am going to meet Shen."-me

"Oh ok have fun!"-Hanyu

I just gave them a nod and get out of the canteen before it could get wrong. I wanted to punch Zeyu in the face, I don't want Zeyu to come near (Y/n). I don't know why but I want to grab (Y/n)'s hand and get (Y/n) away from Zeyu. Ugh I should stop thinking them.

(Y/n)'s POV

I noticed that Mingrui is acting weird earlier. I can see in his eyes that he don't like Zeyu. I wonder why.

>>Time skip<<

Finally it's time to go home, I am packing all of my things when Zeyu call me from behind.

"(Y/n) can I walk you home?"-Zeyu

"Oh sure let's go!"-me

He walked me home. When I got home.

"Zeyu, thanks for walking me home. But what about you?"-me

"I'm okay, I can call my driver."-Zeyu

"Oh you have your own driver. Well, thank you then!"-me

I smile at him. And then he suddenly he hug me.

"See you tomorrow!!!"-Zeyu

And then he wink at me and left.

"See you tomorrow!"

I thought to myself and smile.


I know this chapter is just a moment of Zeyu and (Y/n) but it's okay since I have a plan for this story. Ok guys thanks for reading I hope you vote for it😊


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