Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up in a comfortable bed. I saw that the room I've woken up is not my room and it's not familiar to me. And then someone wrapped his or her hands around my waist. I look who was it and I am shocked. I saw Mingrui sleeping peacefully next to me. And my outfit is different now, I'm still in my pants but my t-shirt had been changed, it's a boy's t-shirt. Wait! Did I sleep with him last night? I push him and he fall from the bed.


"Why am I here? What did you do to me last night?!"-me

"Chill (Y/n) calm down! You are drunk last night."-Mingrui


And then my head suddenly get hurt.

"Ouch my head *touches my head*."-me

"You are drunk last night. I didn't drop you in your house cause your mother probably will be mad at me and blame me and she will think that I am the one who teach you to drink alcohol. And you threw up at me last night."-Mingrui


"Don't worry, our maid is going to wash my clothes that you've thrown up."-Mingrui

"Oh, I'm really sorry! And thank you for taking care of me last night! I have to go! Bye!"-me


I look at him.


"You need to eat breakfast first."-Mingrui

"I'm sorry! But..."-me


He made puppy eyes. I can't help but smile at his cuteness even tho I still hate him.

"Ok fine!"-me


He jump like a 5-year-old kid. I laughed at his actions. We ate breakfast.

"Uhm (Y/n), the t-shirt that you are wearing right now is mine. You can give back that shirt to me tomorrow or keep it if you want."-Mingrui

I can clearly see him smirk. I just ignore his smirk and answer.

"Yes I will return your t-shirt to you don't worry. If this is Zeyu's t-shirt, I'll probably keep the t-shirt forever if he is the one who take care of me last night."-me

I secretly smirk and look at him. I saw his smile slowly faded. I am laughing inside right now.

>>A few minutes later<<

Mingrui and I are done eating. I was about to wash the dish but Mingrui stop me.

"It's okay (Y/n), nanny will take care of that. You can go home now. And also be safe."-Mingrui

I nod at him and say good bye.

Mingrui's POV

(Y/n) left my house now. Our maid is going to wash her t-shirt since she threw up at her shirt last night. Luckily she didn't threw up at her pants. I go to my room and open my Instagram. I search for (Y/n)'s name. I remember that I blocked her since the day I dump her. I unblock her and message her.

Me: Hey (Y/n)? Are you already home?

(Y/u/n): Lol I just left in your house a few minutes ago. Obviously I'm still walking.

Me: Oh yeah sorry! Btw when are we going to do our project?

(Y/u/n): Oh yeah that! I will chat you when I have an idea.

Me: Ok 143244!

(Y/u/n): Huh what is the meaning of 143244?

Me: Oh it's nothing! Don't mind it, it's just my trip to type it😄

(Y/u/n): Oh! Bye then!

Me: Bye take care! <3

(Y/u/n): Bye!👍

(Y/u/n): ❤


I go to (Y/n)'s profile on Instagram. I copy her Instagram photos and download it. I download more photos of her from Instagram and I decided to edit my photo and her photo. And after done editing it, I set it as my homescreen wallpaper. (Yiee kinikilig si ako putek😍.) And I decided to password Ming(Y/s/n). I smile again. I stare at one of her photos for about 10 minutes. And then I put it on the bed and take a bath.

(Y/n)'s POV

After a few minutes I arrived at our house. Mom was nowhere to be found.

"Where is she?"-me

And then I see a note in the fridge. I walk towards it and read it.

Hey (Y/n) my baby, I'll be gone for 1 month cause I have a work to do overseas. Take care of yourself my sweet baby. Love you.


I smile at the letter. I decided take a bath. When I'm done taking a bath, I look at the t-shirt that Mingrui gave me for me to barrow. I took his t-shirt and smile. I decided to wash Mingrui's t-shirt. After I'm done washing Mingrui's t-shirt, Zeyu called me.

To be continue...


Ok I will end my update here. To be countinued in Chapter 16. Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me kamsarang. ^_^


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