Chapter 18

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Mingrui's POV

I am fixing myself now cause I have to go home. They can't see me like this in the house. I get out of the male's restroom and go home. While I am walking home, someone called my name.


I turn around and it's (Y/n).

"Oh hey (Y/n)! What is it?"-me

"I buy the materials for our projects. Keep our materials and we will do the project on Saturday ok?"-(Y/n)


She hand me the materials and she ran back to Zeyu. They walk together. I feel like crying again. I continue to walk home. When I arrived at my house, I go to my room, put my bag and materials down and cried. I didn't change to my clothes yet. When I'm done crying, I changed to my clothes. After changing, I go downstairs to eat dinner. When I'm done eating dinner, I go to my room and look at (Y/n)'s pictures. I go to my bathroom to brush my teeth. When I enter the bathroom, I saw the t-shirt of (Y/n) written "The Man" on it. I touch her t-shirt and smile weakly. I think I will just keep her shirt forever. I will just say to her that her t-shirt got arbored by my little cousin. I brush my teeth. When I'm done brushing my teeth, I got a dm from (Y/n).

(Y/u/n): Hey Mingrui, we are going to do the project around 1 pm ok?
Me: Ok!

I prepare to sleep.

>>Long time skip: Saturday<< (Lol sarry for so much skipping)

Today is Saturday, me and (Y/n) are going to do the project at 1 pm. I get up on my bed, brush my teeth and blah blah blah... After done doing my things, I go downstairs and eat breakfast. My mom already left for work. He will go home late.

>>Another freakin' time skip<<

(Y/n) has finally arrived at my house.

"(Y/n), you're finally here!"-me

"Yes, let's do the project. Where are the materials?"-(Y/n)

"It's all in my room. Let's just do the project in my room."-me

She hesitated to agree when I say that we are going to do the project in my room. She slowly nodded. We go to my room. When we arrived at my room we do the projects. Good thing she didn't ask where is her t-shirt cuz I'm keeping that shirt from now on. While we are doing the project, I keep looking at (Y/n), she is really pretty.

(Y/n)'s POV

I can feel that Mingrui is looking at me. I can feel that my heart is beating so fast too but I just ignored it. Mingrui touch my cheeks and make me face him. And then he do the most unexpected thing to me. His soft lips landed on my lips. After a few seconds we slowly pulled each other. I cried.

"Why are you crying (Y/n)?"-Mingrui

I look at him and slap his face.

"Why did you do that?"-me

"Because I love you (Y/n)."-Mingrui

I laughed at him weakly.

"You love me? Mingrui, stop fooling me around, I know you. You can't fool me again."-me

"No I'm not fooling you I'm serious."-Mingrui

"Serious? And then if I forgive you and accept you, after 4 days again you will cheat on me again and dump me like what you did to me with Shen."-me

"Cause I thought I will never love you."-Mingrui

I got hurt again when I heard that words.

"That's what you thought?"-me

"Yes and I love you now. I am really hurt that you and Zeyu are now together. Give me another chance please."-Mingrui

"Tss!!! Too late!"-me

I stand up and get out of his room. Tears are streaming down on my face. I am crying while running. When I realised that I am far away from Mingrui's house, I sat on the ground and cry. I look like a crazy girl who's crying while sitting on the sidewalk but I don't care. I just wanted to cry it all.

Mingrui's POV

After hearing (Y/n)'s words, I cried in my room. I didn't chase her because I don't want her to see me cry and I don't want to hear the hurtful words from her. I've never been hurt like this before, this is the first time that I get hurt because of a girl. I slap myself.

"Stupid Mingrui! You're such an idiot! You Stupid Idiot Mingrui."-me (Chris Jericho hahaha)

I lock myself in my room and cry all day.


So I will just end the chapter here. Stay tuned for the next chapter. And btw this story is going to end soon. Thanks for reading everyone.


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