Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s POV

I can't sleep tonight. I am thinking about Mingrui. Ugh what's up with me? I can't forget the moment he grab my hand.

"Mingrui, why are you being so nice to me lately?"

I thought to myself.

"Maybe because of the project. Because we had to work together so we can get good grades."

I thought to myself again. Many more thoughts about Mingrui came flooding on my mind until I fell asleep.

>>The next day<<

Another day of school again. I get up in bed and do all of my morning routine. After I'm done doing all of my morning routine, I go to school.

>>At school<<

I am currently walking in the hallway. While walking, someone grab my hair.


I look who was it. And there she is, the witch Shen. She is pulling my hair and she push me at the female's restroom.

"Shen what is your problem?"-me

"The problem is you! You keep flirting and coming near my Mingrui. He doesn't even love you at all and you keep pushing yourself to him. Listen here bitch, I know Mingrui still loves me, that's why we are fighting because you want us to broke up right? You are such a slut and a boyfriend stealer."-Shen

"What? I am not trying to broke your relationship with Mingrui. In fact why would I? And I don't love Mingrui anymore. I have someone else now. And I'm not pushing myself on Mingrui. Blame Mingrui for always getting near me and the teacher cause they made us pair for the project. If I'm a slut and a bitch, you are more slut and a witch. Mingrui is just yours! I don't need a jerk in my life you witch!"-me

"How dare you say that to me!"-Shen

And then she started pulling my hair again. I scream because it hurts. I also pulled her hair out of anger. So yeah, Shen and I are currently pulling each other's hairs and having a cat fight inside the female's restroom.

"You are slut and a bitch and a boyfriend stealer!"-Shen

"Mingrui is just yours you witch!"-me

Mingrui's POV

I am currently walking in the hallway cause I have to go to class. I see (Y/n) walking in the hallway too. Since we are classmate, I'm just gonna catch up with her and go to class together. Suddenly, I saw someone grab (Y/n)'s hair harshly. I follow them secretly. It's Shen again! Why is she doing this to my (Y/n)? I heard Shen talk, I decided to listen to them.

"Ouch!!! Shen what is your problem?"-(Y/n)

"The problem is you! You keep flirting and coming near my Mingrui. He doesn't even love you at all and you keep pushing yourself to him. Listen here bitch, I know Mingrui still loves me, that's why we are fighting because you want us to broke up right? You are such a slut and a boyfriend stealer."-Shen

"What? I am not trying to broke your relationship with Mingrui. In fact why would I? And I don't love Mingrui anymore. I have someone else now. And I'm not pushing myself on Mingrui. Blame Mingrui for always getting near me and the teacher cause they made us pair for the project. If I'm a slut and a bitch, you are more slut and a witch. Mingrui is just yours! I don't need a jerk in my life you witch!"-(Y/n)

I feel sad and hurt when I heard that she have someone else now. Is it Zeyu? Well I will get (Y/n) back and I will never give up. (And his name is John Cena😂)!

"How dare you say that to me!"-Shen

I heard (Y/n) screaming.

"You are slut and a bitch and a boyfriend stealer!"-Shen

"Mingrui is just yours you witch!"-me

I quickly open the door. I see Shen and (Y/n) pulling each other's hairs. I quickly ran to them and try to break the fight. I pull (Y/n) away from Shen. But Shen attacked her and pulled her hair. I got mad.

"Shen let her go!😡"-me

She slowly let go of (Y/n)'s hair.

"M-Mingrui she started it, she slap me."-Shen

"Hahaha I don't believe you. Stop acting that you didn't do anything cause I see you pulling her hair from the hallway all the way to the female's restroom. And I hear your conversation with her. Yes, she is not pushing herself to me. I am the one who always come near her."-me

"I don't understand why are you doing this to her. I thought you love me and you only use her for me to love you back?"-Shen

"That's when I'm really in love with you. I don't love you anymore now. So stay away from me from now on, especially (Y/n)."-me

Shen get out of the female's restroom crying. I came to (Y/n).

"Are you okay?"-me

She push my hand harshly and fix her hair.

"Get away from me. Because of you I am always getting hurt."-(Y/n)

Tears started streaming down on her face and she ran away. I get out of the female's restroom and chase her. Not caring if anyone sees me walk out of female's restroom.


So I hope you like this chapter my dear readers. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me😊 And thanks for the 550 reads and 124 votes😊


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