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     "Hey whats up Roadies!" Jack yelled into the phone. We're live on tik tok in his room like usual. People and comments start flooding in.

    We laugh and mess around like always. It really hurts when he always pushes me away but, I laugh the pain off. 

    I really like Jack but he doesnt act like he likes me. Even in a friendly way. I dont know if I've done something wrong. He's nice to me but, on camera he pushes me away like he's embarrassed to be around me.

     I sit there reading comments and reading some outloud. When one in particular showed up my whole body froze and my heart stopped.

    He told me he'd leave me alone. He lied. Jack looked at me confused. I didnt care. I couldnt breathe. Time seemed to stop and Jacks voice started fading, everything started spinning.

    I felt as Jack grabbed my shoulders and shook me gently. He laid me down and ran out of the room. Sobs racked through my body as I shook like a leaf. Jack ran back into the room with Andy following behind.

     "Brook! Brooklyn!" Andy yelled. I couldnt move. I couldnt speak. I've forgotten how to do anything. What if he comes and gets me. What if he hurts me again.

    I felt tears hit my arm and a hand holding mine.

    "Brook listen to me okay? Come back to us you're okay" Andys voice sounded through my ears. I coughed and heavily breathed.

     "Come on calm down" Andy said and started rubbed my belly. It was weirdly comforting.

       "Hey you're okay brooky come on" He said and sounded more clear.

     My breathing was still labored but it didnt feel like an anvil was resting on my chest anymore.

    Andy kept rubbing my belly , comforting me. He rested my hand on his chest and held it with his.

    "Feel my heartbeat Brook you're okay" I felt as his heart was slow and steady. His breathing was normal.

     I slowly calmed down, continuing to cry and shake. Jack pulled me into a tight hug as Andy left with the phone. I thought Jack ended the lively. Oh my god over 8 thousand people seen that!

     Jack held me whispering things softly in my ear and kissing my head. I gripped onto his hoodie and he held me close. He started to sing and I slowly stopped crying.

     Jack still held me trying to calm me down from shaking. I wasnt shaking like before but I was still shaking.

     His voice is like silk and its so soft and comforting. After what felt like ages I wasnt shaking anymore. Jack kept singing to me and rocking us as I clung onto his hoodie, buring my face in his shoulder.

    "You okay now?" He asked with his thick irish accent. I shrugged. "Whats wrong? What sent you into an attack?" He asked worried.

     "H-h-he c-commented in the l-lively bu-u-ut he sssaid he'd l-leave me a-alone but h-he lied to me" I felt Jack pull me as close as humanly possible.

    Our positions changed so I was straddling him and my legs around his waist with my arms around his neck. My head rested in the crook of Jacks neck. He had one arm around my waist and the other hand running up and down my back.

     "Whos 'he' Brookybear?" Jack asked and caressed my back.

    "S-Sam" I cried.

   "You mean the snake who stabbed you in the back?" He asked, I nodded.

"Why won't he leave you alone Baby?" He asked making me blush at the nickname.

"Dunno" I mumbled.

"I want to keep him away from you but I don't have that power" Jack said, his hands resting on my hips, his thumbs drawing small comforting circles.

I nodded and nuzzled into him. I felt him smile and rub my back with one hand.

"I love you Brook" He mumbled and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Love you too Jack" I whispered sleepily. I felt as he laid me down and tugged off my jeans and threw them on the ground. He took his off and his shirt.

Once he laid down I snuggled into his chest slightly whining and rubbing lightly at his chest at the fact he took his shirt off and now I have nothing to grip onto.

"Sorry baby, do you want me to put a shirt on?" He asked and I nodded. He got out of the bed and put a tank top on. He crawled back in his bed and I gripped onto his tank-top.

I sighed comfortably and closed my eyes. He held me protectively in his embrace and kissed my forehead.

"Get some rest Brooky" I nodded and slowly fell asleep to his soft humming.

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