
294 13 5

Requested by > me
Type > High school au
Warnings > self harm mentioning



I walked through the gates of hell. Aka high school. I absolutely hate it here. Like what's even the point? It's so stupid as well, like most of the kids in the damn school.

Just think. You leave your kids in a building full of sweaty, horny and asshole teenagers, for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, pile up their homework so they have to sit on their asses almost all day trying to finish the stupid papers. No wonder kids these days are so over weight.

The only thing you learn in school is patience. Sometimes not even that. You learn to be sneaky. You learn about sex. Not much to it. Just a hell hole. I don't even know how people like bei- oh look here comes the flower boy. *insert eye roll*

Look at him walking down the hall with that big ass smile and waving at random people. Even saying hi to them. Look at him wearing those baggy jeans and a pastel blue sweater. How is he so open?

It's like the stares he gets don't even bother him. Does he just erase people so he can't see them anymore? The boy is messed up man.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see where I was going" The flower boy said softly with a blush.

"Well then get some glasses" I answered sassily before walking away. It's not that I hate him. Its that he annoys me. He acts like he owns the school. That's he's the leader of it.

Like honestly? Nobody fucking cares! They just wanna quickly graduate so they can get out of this hell quicker.

But now I'm addicted.

I walked to my class and sat in the back. It's just maths and I know everything we're doing already. Plus I'm way ahead of the whole class so I really don't need to pay attention.

I zone out for a while, but zone back in as I feel my phone buzz. I take it out of my pocket and seen its a text from my mum.

My Woman 👑
Gotta go on a business trip for the weekend. I'll be back at 6 on sunday. I left money on the counter. Be good, and no parties. Which I can trust you. No sex anywhere but YOUR ROOM. Text me if you need anything. I love you Buggy. See you Sunday ❤❤

See you Sunday mum. I love you too ❤

Family means everything to me. When my dad left, it made me want to protect my mother with everything in me and that's what I've been doing since grade 2.

I slid my phone back in my pocket and raised my hand. The teacher nodded, knowing I'm just going to the bathroom. I thanked her and walked out of the room. I walked to the bathroom and my phone started to ring. It was Kira.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. I opened the boys bathroom and locked it behind me, pulling out my vape.

"You Babe. I need you!" She moaned from the other line.

"How many fucking times do I need to tell you!?" I paused and took a drag from the vape. "I don't want you, you had a chance and you blew it" I answered, blowing out the cotton candy flavoured smoke.

(I Don't know anything about vaping)

"But babe give me a second chance! Please!" I took a longer drag, getting quite irritated.

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