Randy (Important Chapter)

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      As I went through Andy's Instagram stories I immediately began to worry about him. I saw the hate, and saw how he'd act 'happy' around us and the camera.

     When he thought everyone was asleep or gone, I'd hear him crying. This has truly been breaking him. I hate seeing my bandmate, my brother, my baby like this.

     He'd go through the day with a forced smile plastered on his face, He'd cover up his crying by saying he was just laughing over a fan edit. We ask him if there is something wrong but he just tells us he's okay.

    Everyone's noticed by now. He's just oblivious to the fact that we know about it. He's not okay. He's anything but okay. I think he's trying to tell himself that's he's fine more than him telling us.

    Lately he has been more distant and that's beginning to worry us. Especially me. I've know him since the beginning of the band. I know Sonny has known him longer but that's not the point.

    I can immediately tell when somethings wrong with my boyfriend. When he lies he always blinks twice. When he's nervous, he'll tap something. When he's upset he carries his stuffed animal and blankie with him. When he's mad he'll stay in his room until he's calmed down.

    But this, this is completely different. This is horrifying. I don't like how he distances himself, How he hides his true beautiful smile and his addictive sweet laugh.

   I hate how in his cover of Billie Eilish he was trying his best not to cry. And how he ended it early because he was crying at the end.

I want my baby back. I want my happy Fovvs back.

     I walk up to his, our room and knock on the door before walking in. He was asleep at the corner desk against the wall. He was slouched over the side with his head resting on the paper and a pen in his hand.

He's been overwhelming and overworking himself lately as well.

    Even Mikey picked up on his behavior in the music videos and vlogs. He's even tried talking to the blonde but gets the same answer as everyone else, "I'm okay"

   I sigh sadly as I walk over to Andy and rubbed his back lightly. He slowly woke up and looked around, peeled off the paper before stretching and rubbing his cheek.

     "Bubba come on, let's get you to bed, you need to sleep properly" I tell him gently, not wanting to upset him.

       "But Rye I need to finish up this medley and the sing off before I finish up the music video ideas then I need to-" I shush him and shake my head no.

    "We are going to have a proper rest. You are going to sleep with me. It's been almost a full 3 weeks Andy. You're practically living off of coffee and energy drinks. You hardly ever eat or drink so unhealthy" I seen him look up at me and around the room.

    I take his hand and carefully pull him up from the chair. Once he was standing on his feet he wobbled a bit. He refused to change and lay down so I did it myself.

    Let me tell you, it's way easier to put his clothes on when he's sleepy. Not cranky.

   "Andrew work with me here!" I slightly yelled and he froze. I hardly ever raise my voice. Especially to him. I took this as a chance to finish dressing him.

     A snap of my fingers, and he's back to reality. I lead him over to our bed and lay down before pulling him on top of myself.

    He buried his little face in the crook of my neck. I held him tightly on me and I felt as he fell asleep. He hasn't had a proper rest in around a month or two.

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