Single dad (1) Rye

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Requested by~ No one
Type~ Single father
Warnings~ nope you gucci

Kylie- 5

Sarah- 8

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Sarah- 8

Sarah- 8

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    Rye picked up his 5 year old daughter Kylie and followed his 8 year old daughter Sarah to their car. They were going shopping for the girls today. Their shoes were getting dirty (even after washing them), and their jeans were getting rips in them. The socks were magically dissapearing as well as their underwear, their tops were getting messier and messier from the playing outside and painting.

     His girls were messy. All the time. They take right after their Daddy.

   Sarah was an average size eight year old, with long dark brown hair and sugary brown eyes while her skin was fair and freckles dotted parts of her skin. Sarah took Ryes outgoing and loud personality. She was the social butterfly.

    Kylie was a small five year old with short, lighter brown hair and golden brown eyes. Her tanned skin hid the light freckles that spread over her cheeks. She took her mum's shy and artsy side.

    They both share a lot of similarities and they are a close pair of siblings. Rye's grateful for that and he's glad he doesn't have to deal with two arguing, dramatic girls yet.

    Once the girls were buckled and safe, Rye hopped in the driver's seat and started the car.

    "Where do you wanna go?" He asked the two girls.

    "Oo can we go to justice!" Sarah yelled. Rye laughed and nodded.

      "Where do you wanna go Bebé?" Rye asked his second daughter and she shrugged. "How about after justice we can look around, that sound good?" Kylie nodded and looked out the window as they drove.

    Rye turned on the radio and a small smile arose on Kylie's lips. He knows music makes her happy.

    Once at the mall, he looked for justice and parked near the store.

    "So we need socks, shoes, underwear, tops and pants, maybe some dresses if you guys want okay?" The two girls nodded and Sarah was out of her booster seat.

     "Slow down girly!" Rye told his eldest daughter. Sarah laughed and helped Kylie out of her seat.
     "Thank you" Kylie whispered and Sarah nodded at her quiet sister. Rye smiled at his girls and walked, holding their hands into the store.

     Sarah immediately went towakrds the jeans. Rye looked down at his youngest and seen her staring at a baby pink dress with a floral design on the top. He smiled and walked over to it with her gripping onto his hand.

     "You like this dress?" He asked and she nodded shyly

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     "You like this dress?" He asked and she nodded shyly. "Bebé if you like it then we can get it" He said softly as he bent down to her height.

    The little girl blushed and looked at the ground and shrugged.

   "What's wrong Lee?" He asked and she looked up.

   "Don't wanna waste money" She whispered. Rye frowned and found Kylie's size and shook his head.

   "You aren't wasting money Lovely, I want to spend money on you okay bebé?" Kylie nodded and smiled at the flowy pink dress.

    "Thank you daddy" Kylie whispered and Rye kissed her cheek.

    "De nada Lee" Kylie kissed her dad on his cheek and grabbed his hand. He smiled and stood up, letting her drag him around. She was still nervous about somethings but she was doing better.

    Her anxiety would always float up when she wanted something but when her father reasurred her that she can get it, the anxiety would float back down.

     Sarah was a ray of sunshine, helping her sister pick out clothes and skipping around the store looking for some that she liked.

    "I think we're all done here daddy!" Sarah squealed in excitement at all the clothes in her and Rye's arms.

    "I think we are too" I mumbled to himself as they cashed out and walked back to the car to put away the bags. "Where to now?" He asked and looking at his youngest.

     "Fitch" She said and he knew she was talking about Abercrombie and Fitch. The father of two nodded with a smile.

     "Then there we go" He said, walking the short distance to the store. They wandered the store for a while, Sarah ended up with a few pairs of jeans and Mickie and Minnie mouse sweater and some shirts.

  Kylie followed her family around and picked out some clothes she liked and Sarah helped her again, liking using her sister as a model

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  Kylie followed her family around and picked out some clothes she liked and Sarah helped her again, liking using her sister as a model.

    Rye watched as his daughters conversed with each other and smiled, thinking, "These girls are my home"


Shitty chapter I'm sorry but this is part one to the single father series. Mikey and Jack will be included because I took time and effort writing theirs and they've been sitting in my drafts for months.

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