Daddy? what's that one mean? pt 2

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Requested by > fovvs_beaumont
Type> Happy/ Sad
Warning > Flashbacks


Grayson and I walked up the hill which wasn't steep. It was nice enough to not kill your knees while you walk up like most hills do.

Grayson eventually just fell forward on purpose and just laid there.

"Babe what are you doing?" I asked the boy on the ground.

"Too much walking Daddy. How did you and Papa do this?" I felt a tear leak from my eye when he called Brooklyn papa.

I wiped it away and laughed at my son.

"Because we were in love" I answered and I knew he was smiling. I picked him up and set him on my hip before continuing to walk up the hill till we were at the top.

I seen the willow tree and seen the view. Nothing has changed. The grass around the dirt me and Brook put in grew alot but that's it.

I set Gray on the ground and grabbed his hand making sure he doesn't go to the edge. He gasped at the area and looked up at me.

"How did you guys find this place!?" He asked shocked. I smiled and explained the story.


"Mike!" 13 year old Brooklyn yelled while running through the trees holding his flower crown he made. I was only a year older than him as I was 14.

We were in 8th grade. His mum and dad took turns homeschooling him since he had a separation anxiety with them and since he had somatic symptom disorder

Even with those 'flaws' He was my world. He meant absolutely everything to me. He was the one who caught me sitting under the bridge our city had. It was a small one but it was a bit hidden. It was where I'd go when I needed space.

"Im coming Brooky!" I yelled running after him. He squealed happily and ran faster. He tripped over his foot and I landed on top of him like those clichè scenes.

I looked around us and gasped at the gorgeous view.

"Brooklyn! Look what you've found!" I yelled and got off of him then took in my surroundings.

There was a stunning view of multicoloured trees surrounding a big lake that the sun reflects off of. There was a big willow tree and the branches hung down creating what looks like Brooklyn decorated a birdcage with white and pink flowers.

We ventured underneath in and seen branches we could climb and rest on.

"This is gorgeous!" Brooklyn squealed and hugged me.

"I'm glad you found it Brooky bear" I whispered in his ear. He leaned back and looked at me before fixing his flower crown.

"We Mike. We found this and now it's ours" I kissed his cheek with a wide smile on my face

🌻end of flashback🌻

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