
640 18 2

Requested by > RoadTripItaly
Type > smut
Warnings > kinky


    I'm currently in a meeting. I'm holding a pointer and pointing at things on the board as I explain the idea.

    It's been a long and stressful day and I just wanna get home to my husband Ryan. The people in the room are just either paying attention, talking amongst others or sleeping.

    I don't know why I even took this job but I get paid very well so it's all worth it.

    "You know what nevermind just get out of this room! The ones who are paying attention thank you very much but the others you are just wasting my time. Get out!" I yelled and people scrambled out of their seats and out the door.

    I leaned against the table with my head in my hands. I really need a stress reliever. I felt a gentle hand rest on my shoulder and I looked up, seeing Sonny.

     "You're doing great Mr. Fowler" He smiled and I thanked him before packing up. Once everything once back in my office I signed out and walked to the elevator and pushed the garage button.

    I bring out my phone and clicked on my husband's contact number.

    "Hey baby what's wrong?" He asked after picking up. He knows I don't call him when I'm supposed to be in a meeting. I always call at the same time, right after my meetings at the end of the day and at lunch.

    "The people who work here except for Sonny, Brooklyn and Jack are always fucking sleeping or talking! Like you're not teenagers anymore you got into this job because you're supposed to be fucking working! This is not fucking high school!" I yelled and could hear him sigh.

      "Once you get home I'm going to give you a full body massage" I groan at that. He is an excellent massager. Usually after he's done we have sex. Kinky sex. It's the best stress reliever.

    I hurriedly rush out to my car and get in, setting my phone and wallet in the passenger seat. I start the car, buckle up and drive home... maybe speeding just a little.

     Once home I parked and got out after shutting off the car. I grabbed my phone and wallet and I walked in the house.

     Rye was no where in sight, meaning he's upstairs in our office room. I smirked and set all my stuff next to the door and made my way upstairs.

    Walking in the room, I seen him in black lingerie with his favorite butt plug in his ass. It's big with a fluffy bunny tail on the end of it. His tanned skin glows against the black lacy lingerie.

   He is a beautiful sight after a long and stressful day. I'm shocked that he's even mine. All Mine.

    "Welcome back sir" He smiled as he set the oil down on the table and fixed the massage table.
    "Thank you bunny" He loves being thanked and praised. He says it reassures him that I'm happy with him. He's such a sweet man that you'd be surprised at what we do behind closed doors.
    I walked up behind him and ran my fingers over the lacy thongs. I pulled out the butt plug a bit before pushing it back in, hearing him moan quietly. I kiss the back of his neck softly.

     "Are you ready sir?" He asked and I nodded, lightly biting his earlobe. He let out a shutterty breath and I stripped from my suit.

    I laid down on the table, fully naked on my stomach. I heard him rubbing his hands together with oil and felt his hands go on my shoulders, firmly pushing on my muscles.

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