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Type > Soulmate
Warning > bullying, mentions of the word fag

     A soulmate is someone who will be your life partner. Someone who you will love till you grow old with.

   When you find them, you'll be 17 and you'll get a tattoo on the inside of your wrist of their name in cursive.

   Then when you have you first kiss with them, you'll get a tattoo of a heart. When you have your first date, you will get a small tattoo of a plant sapling. When you've had your first time with them you'll get a tattoo of a small infinity sign. When you're married you'll get a small tattoo of a ring. When you have kids with them then you'll get their names on the opposite wrist.

    Rye Beaumont hasn't gotten his soulmate yet and neither has Andy Fowler.

   Andy is a small senior who isn't popular but everyone's always whispering about how he wears girl clothes and how pale his skin is it how blue his eyes are.

    Ryan Beaumont is a popular football (soccer) player who everone either wants or wants to be. Everyone always gushing about how he's sex on legs or how they can't believe he's a popular virgin.

    Rye believes that you shouldn't inappropriately touch someone who isn't your soulmate. He's made lots of sex addicts stop doing it with random people.

    Andy doesn't like attention. He'd rather be with his mum or brother Brooklyn. His brother is out of school and in online college.

    Andy's proud of his brother for finding his soulmate. They already have 3 of the tattoos. Andy like to ask about all the soulmate stuff with his brother because it's just awkward with his mum.

    Right now Andy's in the front of the class, his glasses sliding down his nose as he copies the class notes from on the board. Rye is in the same class just in the back copying his notes and talking to his friends.

     Ryes a good student, the teachers know that. So when he's quietly talking to his friends they know that he'll always be paying attention cause he's always passing tests and quizzes.

     The bell rung and everyone got up and walked out as the teacher was talking about homework. As Andy was packing his stuff up, his bully Sam pushed his book off his desk and threw Andy's glasses on the ground.

    Andy sighed and leaned down to get his glasses.

   "What do you think you're doing? Huh Fag?" Sam asked and The boy ignored him. "Hey! I asked what you were doing fag!" Sam yelled and Andy put his glasses on and looked at the boy next to him.

    "I would prefer to not be called a fag. I bet you don't even know what it means like half the stuff you learn here since you never pay attention" Andy smart mouthed Sam and he looked surprised.

   "I do know what Fag means. It means a gay boy like you!" Andy smirked and shook his head.

     "No it doesn't. If you look in the dictionary or on your phone that you're glued to 24/7, it means a cigarette" Andy said as he picked up his book and stood up with his bag.

     "So if you could kindly step out my way that'd be great and helpful" Sam unconsciously took a step back and Andy walked away.

    He tried to make it seem like those words don't hurt him, but a wall can't stay up forever. Andy felt a tap on his shoulder and immediately felt a burn where they tapped.

    He stopped walking and stood frozen, unable to move from the shock. His wrist was burning and he was afraid to look down at his wrist.

    The person behind him was shocked as well as they looked down at their wrist, seeing Andy's name. Andy clutched his book closer to his chest and closed his eyes, praying it wasn't someone he hated.

    "I-I just wanted to make sure y-you were okay" They whispered and the blonde slowly turned around with his eyes clamped shut nervously.

    "I won't hurt you I promise" They whispered and Andy took a deep breath before opening his eyes. He about choked on his saliva when he seen the one and only Ryan Beaumont stood in front of him.

     "Hey soulmate" Rye chuckled out. Andy's mouth dropped open and a crowd formed around the two boys, jealousy and happiness spread through the crowd.

     "H-How- Wh-What!?" Andy stuttered. Rye smiled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
    "Um... I don't know... I don't choose soulmates" Rye mumbled and Andy shook out of his state of shock.

    "I-I'm sorry. I'm just shocked" Andy said and Rye let his hand fall to his waist.

     "It's alright I guess you were expecting someone else" Rye shrugged and Andy shook his head no.

    "I didn't expect anyone if I'm honest" Rye frowned at the blonde's remark.

    "What do you mean you weren't expecting anyone?" Rye was confused at how Andy was never looking for his soulmate. Why wouldn't you want to meet someone who you were destined to be with?

    "Because, I'm a lot of things that isn't right for someone. I'm gay, Not a lot of boys want their soulmates to be boys" Andy mumbled as he thought of Sam's words. Rye let a sad smile lift his lips.

    "Maybe I did" He whispered as he got closer to the smaller boy. Andy was shocked to say the least.

    "Really? I've always thought you were straight" Andy said with wide eyes.

     "I just don't like labels. I don't care who I got and I'm more than happy to have you as my soulmate. I was worried it'd be some snotty girl" Rye said the end part loudly and looked straight at Jada Winfield who blushed and back up behind a random kid.

    "But why me? Why did you want me?" Andy asked and Rye stepped closer to Andy, grabbing his cold hands in his warm ones.

    "You're small, you're adorable, the way your blonde hair falls on your forehead and in your eyes, those blue eyes always captivate me, I will never get enough of them. I like how you wear what you're comfortable in and you look so cute and soft in them. I love how you always have sweater paws and snuggle in your hoodies and sweaters. I love how when you're concentrating your cute little tongue pokes out a little bit and how you pout when you got something wrong"

   Andy was blushing and trying to hide his face with his sweater paws but Rye just kept his hands in his. Rye kissed Andy and their wrists tingled.

         "Do you like your new tattoo?" Rye asked Andy and the blonde laughed and leaned against Ryan

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     "Do you like your new tattoo?" Rye asked Andy and the blonde laughed and leaned against Ryan.



Short but sweet


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