
422 11 7

Requested by > roadtrips_bee_boy
Type > Fluff
Warning > Sick



I walked down the stairs in a tired and grumpy mood. Today is already going awful. I have a headache, and that was caused by hitting my head, ACCIDENTALLY this time.

Then to add onto to that torture, I SLIPPED trying to get my joggers on and caused my knee cap to DISLOCATE its self. I had to pop it back in. So yeah you could say it'll get better. But will it?

No. Of course not.

Brook and Sonny decided it would be fun to yell and scream at each other as they were playing with the hose. It's 7 in the bloody morning.

Andy decided to turn UP the damn tv since he didn't want to go upstairs in his room to watch Roadies reacting to our music. It's 7 in the bloody morning!

Rye wasn't even here which I'm glad for. I don't need much more noise right now or my head will become a smoothie.

I just grabbed a bottle of water since they're being too loud to make tea, and went back upstairs and closed the door to my room. The unnecessarily loud noises became muffled.

Did I mention that I hate taking medicine? Yeah it scares me. You don't know what those death capsules or liquids or tablets are made out of. They most likely put drugs in them!

So unless I am on my death bed, I will absolutely not take medicine.

The noise traveled up the stairs and a soaking wet Brooklyn ran into my room, causing my door to slam against the wall.

The pounding in my head became worse than someone hitting you with a hammer like you're a nail.

"Jack! Come join me and Sunshine!!" He screamed happily. I groaned and rubbed at my temples trying to both, keep my patience and soothe my headache.

"Brook no! Go somewhere else" I told him quietly. He whined like a small child.

"But there's nothing to do!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance which Brook being Brook not noticing the quick move.

"There is! You just choose not to use your god damn eyesight that can be useful to a lot of people! Go away! Not everyone wants to hear your annoying ass bloody voice all fucking day!" I screamed at him.

I knew yelling wouldn't solve anything but at this point I honestly don't give a fuck. I'm tired, My head is killing me and my knee is excruciating.

The pain in my head has gotten so bad that my stomach is churning uncomfortably and all in all. I'm in pain. I felt bad for yelling, yes. But he just wouldn't stop.

"I- I'm sorry- I just w-wanted to hang out w-with you Jacky" He stuttered out. Every time he's lying or upset he stutters. Tears started falling down his cheeks and he slammed the door shut behind him.

I groaned as I get angry at myself. I hate hurting people. Especially the people I love.

I drank from the water bottle and it helped me soothe my throat a little bit. But not as much as I'd like it to. I took out my phone and turned the brightness to the lowest setting as it was hurting my eyes and making me even more nauseous.

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