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Request × the one and only author
Type × fluff then smut then fluff
Warning × nope


   It was a boring day for all of us. The most that happened was Connor tripping over the tightrope thing. I don't really know if it was intentional or not, and I don't think I'll ever know.

    I got up from the couch and pulled out my phone, went straight to Instagram and started recording for a story.

   I ran straight to the kitchen, knowing that Sonny, Harper or Brooklyn would be there. Sure enough Sonny and Brook were there. They were sat on the floor eating ham and bacon sandwiches.

    "Hello boys!" I yelled in a weird voice and they jumped since they didn't see me coming.

   "What the actual fuck Ryan!" Brooklyn yelled and I laughed, Sonny was pouting about his sandwich that now laid on the ground unattached. I ended the video and tagged them before posting it.

     I sat behind Brook and he leaned into me, resting the back of his head against my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his torso and kissed his cheek.

     "Why him" Sonny whined and I laughed in amusement. "My poor sandwich is dead because of you" He picked up his sandwich and threw it in the bin.

    "The floor hasn't been cleaned in so long as well" Brook giggled out as Sonny stomped over to us and stole Brook's sandwich, finishing the small bit left. I laughed as Brooklyn whined about how he never got to finish eating it.

     "There's plenty more to eat mate. Just go and make something else or make another one" I suggest and he practically flies over to the fridge. I laugh along with Sonny as we watch our band mate grumble to himself.

     I can hear bits and pieces of it but not full sentences. "What the fuck" "dumbasses" "I'll show him" "this'll be better" " I'll beat the noodle"

    Sonny jumps on me unexpectedly, causing me to fall backwards onto my back.

     "Why hello there kind sir" He says in a weird attempt of a posh accent. I smile and he lays his lanky body on mine. I hear somebody walk in and stop. I look up to see Andy looking confused.

    "Long story short I scared them, Sonny dropped his sandwich on the dirty ground so he ate Brooklyn's and now Brook is talking to himself whilst he makes something else" I explain and Andy just shakes his head, sitting next to me and Sonny.

    "I'm bored so I came down here" He mumbled and I reached my hand out. He looks at me with a raised brow so I grabbed his hand and pulled him. He landed right next to me so I wrapped my arm around him.

      He shrugged and closed his eyes, resting his head on my shoulder and his arms in-between our bodies. I laid there content. Sonny now laid next to me on his side and Andy buried in my side. I could feel Andy's warm breath on my neck and his smile. I've always loved seeing him smile.

    Ever since we met it's been one of my favorite things about him. I hate seeing him upset. It just makes me upset since he feels like he has to handle everything since he's the oldest in the group and the first to join the band.

   I softly trail my fingers up and down his back. He shivered at the feeling before getting used to it. I could feel him practically melt in my arms. Sonny was just messing with a loose strand on my t-shirt with his head propped up on his hand.

   Andy was getting tired and you could tell from the dark circles under his eyes. I pulled him on top of me and he whined in protest. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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