
457 19 8

Requested by > Myself
Type > Bdsm
Warning > Incest


Its been 7 years and I still haven't found my sub. Mum and dad tell me that he'll come soon but I don't really believe that. I've lost hope.

When you are 16 you get your dom or sub tattoo. The tattoo for a Dom will be the word 'Dom' in cursive in the colour red. It will be a faded colour until you find your sub. It will appear on your collarbone.

If you're a sub your tattoo will be the word 'Sub' in cursive and it will be a faint blue on your wrist until you find your Dom.

When you find your Sub or Dom then your tattoo will darken along with your Sub or Doms. I've met several Subs and not one has been mine.

When your Sub or Dom dies, the tattoo will turn black. When they get hurt, it will just be a lighter red or blue.

Anyways I was currently watching tv when I seen that a young celebrity found her Dom. I turned off the Tv and rolled my eyes.

It's like the world knows that I'll never get my Sub and likes to rub it in my face. My younger brother Rye walks in half asleep. He's seventeen and a sub. He's excited to find his Dom. He turns 18 tomorrow.

Hopefully he will have better luck than I did. He plopped on the couch and rested his head on my lap, wanting me to play with his hair.

We've always been close. Shaun and Sammie were close with us too, they were our favorite little boys.

Whenever Rye's scared he'll come to me. Whenever he's upset he'll come to me. I'm glad he can trust me. Few subs are closed off until they meet their Dom.

I just hope his Dom will let him see his family. Most Dom's don't allow their Subs to see their families after they find them. It's quite rude and disappointing.

If I got my Sub, I would've let them have almost all the rights I have but with some rules.

Running my hand through my brothers hair, My mum walks in and smiles at us. I now notice that he's fallen asleep and is holding the blanket that's on my legs.

"My sweet boy. I love it when he's all cuddly and sweet" She whispered and bent in front of him, rubbing her thumb against his cheekbone. He made a small whining noise and cuddled closer to me.

"It is nice when he isn't all rude and fussy" I reply to her and she nodded.

   "I hope whoever his Dom is, is nice to him. He may be a little rough around the edges but he means well" She kissed his head and then mine and walked back in the kitchen. 

    I continued running my my fingers through his hair and drifted off to sleep myself.


     "Hugh!" I heard my mum whisper yell to my dad who apologized to her.

    "What Am I not aloud to sneeze anymore!?" He whisper yelled back at her.

    "Not when you're taking a damn picture of our sons!" I laughed quietly and opened my eyes.

   "Look what you've done!" Mum slapped dad and walked away. He face palmed and followed her.

    "I'm sorry!" He whined and disappeared into the kitchen. I felt Rye sit in my lap and curl into me and I smiled. I knew he was awake by now.

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